
2024-02-12 19:13:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin







Direct Quotation 直接引用


Group work is important when encouraging students to use critical thinking because, ‘discussion really does play an absolutely vital part in the development of thinking’ (Cowley, 2004:8).




If we want our students to engage in the processes involved in critical thinking, it is crucial to provide the opportunity for group discussion and the exchange of ideas(Cowley, 2004).

Book in List of Reference

相对应的reference list格式:作者的姓,名字首字母.(年份) 文章标题

Cowley, S. (2004) Getting the Rascals to Think. London: Continuum.

Two Authors Quotation


Springer and Deutsch (1998:3) argue that, ‘the left brain and the right brain are not identical in their capabilities or organizations’.

Two Authors Book In List

相对应的reference list格式:作者1的姓,名字首字母and作者2的姓,名字首字母.(年份) 文章标题

Springer, S. and G. Deutsch, (1998) Left Brain Right Brain: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience. 5th ed. New York: W.H. Freeman & Company.

3+ Authors Quotation

同时直接引用有三个/三个以上作者的文献,其中一个作者的姓,et al(年份:页数)

Chaffey, et al. (2003:85) state that those without access to the Internet often experience ‘social exclusion’.

3+ Authors Book in List

相对应的reference list格式:作者1的姓,名字首字母.作者2的姓,名字首字母.and作者3的姓,名字首字母.(年份) 文章标题

Chaffey, D., R. Mayer, K. Johnstone and F. Ellis-Chadwick, (2003) Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. 2nd ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Many Authors contribution

有很多文献表述过这个观点:引用句子后加(作者1的姓,年份;作者2的姓,年份;作者3的姓,年份 and 作者4的姓,年份)

There has been much debate about parents’ right to smack their children (Green, 1999; Jones, 2002; Brown, 2004 and Smith, 2004).

Secondary Citation

二次引用:引用文献内作者引用别人的话 原文作者的姓(cited in 引用作者的姓,年份:页数)

Oliver (cited in Vella, 2001:42) describes how learners need to, ‘construct knowing’. By this, he means that in order to understand and learn new ‘concepts, skills or attitudes’ a learner needs to apply them to real examples of their own.

Secondary Citation in List

相对应的reference list格式:引用作者的姓,名字首字母.(年份)

Vella, J. (2001) Taking Learning to Task: Creative Strategies for Teaching Adults. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

E-book (webs-ite) 引用网站

Dean (2002:36) discusses egocentricity in five-year olds and suggests they need to, ‘learn how to get on with other children’.

E-Book (website) in List 相对应格式

Dean, J. (2002) Managing the Primary School: Educational Management Series. London: Routledge.[accessed 07 April 2004].

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