
2024-04-26 15:43:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin






Personal information


Gender: female

Age: 27, height: 164 cm

Household registration: in hangzhong han area

Highest degree: bachelor work experience: 1-3 years


The job recently worked: China merchants

Expect job nature: full time

Expected monthly salary: 3000 ~ 5000 yuan/month

Hoped for jobs: administrative specialist/assistant, hr specialist/assistant

Hope is engaged in the industry: convention/exhibition, real estate development, property management/business center, hospitality/tourism

Skills talents

Learned skills talents: I hereby tourism management major, love dance, performances, so pleasant personality, strong affinity, careful seriously. Since my graduation from the school from July 2013, engaged in the tour guide and investment promotion work, the former for a newly graduated college students to develop the vision, growth of knowledge, learned to communicate with people, good exercise personal eloquence; The latter to exercise its own office software operating skills, for his work in the enterprises laid a certain basic knowledge and skills.

Education experience

Institute of tourism culture of yunnan university (undergraduate)

Start-stop years: in September 2009 to July 2013

School name: yunnan university institute of tourism culture

Name: professional tourism management

Degree: bachelor

NingJiang county no.1 middle school (high school)

Start-stop years: between September 2006 and June 2009

School name: NingJiang county no.1 middle school

Professional title: senior high school

Degree: senior high school

Work experience

Hanzhong cultural tourism investment group co., LTD. - China merchants

Commencement date: June 2015 to November 2016

Enterprise name: hanzhong cultural tourism investment group co., LTD

In position: investment promotion personnel

Performance: induction, from June 1, 2015 start business contact, as China merchants assistant, in July 2016, promoted as head of China merchants. Rapid growth in a short period of time, on the one hand, because he is good at learning, self-motivated, on the other hand is the old colleague help and teach. At work, I treat serious and responsible, have been guided.

Enterprise is introduced: hanzhong cultural tourism investment group co., LTD., established in January 2012, Chinese firms investment scope mainly covers the tourism, leisure, entertainment, culture education and training, health care, pension preserve one's health, such as art craft industry.

Hanzhong city - the individual reception and guide China international travel service

Commencement date: February 2014 to May 2015

Name of enterprise: hanzhong China international travel service

In position: the individual receives and guide

Performance: in addition to the appeal for visitors, many times of tour to travel all over the country, because of their warm and generous, many travel agencies also to make some new friends and tourists. Is a very pleasant experience.

Enterprise is introduced: hanzhong China international travel service is mainly engaged in: inbound tourism, domestic tourism, outbound tourism

Trained experience

University - English, mandarin, specialty

Commencement date: between September 2009 and June 2013

Training institution: university

Training courses: English, mandarin, specialty

Training description: CET 4, mandarin level 2 grade a, dance competition second prize, college English oral competition third prize, etc




性别: 女

年龄: 27 岁 身高: 164CM

户籍所在: 陕西省汉中市汉台区

最高学历: 本科 工作经验: 1-3年


最近工作过的职位: 招商

期望岗位性质: 全职

期望月薪: 3000~5000元/月

期望从事的岗位: 行政专员/助理,人事专员/助理

期望从事的行业: 会展/博览,房地产开发,物业管理/商业中心,酒店/旅游


技能特长: 本人因所学旅游管理专业,热爱舞蹈、表演,因此性格开朗、亲和力强、认真细心。从2013年7月毕业至今,从事过导游与招商两种工作,前者为作为一名刚毕业的大学生开拓了眼界,增长了知识,学会了与人沟通,很好的锻炼了个人口才;后者锻炼了自身的办公化软件操作技能,为自己在企业单位工作奠定了一定的`基础性知识与技能。


云南大学旅游文化学院 (本科)

起止年月: 2009年9月至2013年7月

学校名称: 云南大学旅游文化学院

专业名称: 旅游管理

获得学历: 本科

宁强县一中 (高中)

起止年月: 2006年9月至2009年6月

学校名称: 宁强县一中

专业名称: 高中

获得学历: 高中


汉中文化旅游投资集团有限公司 - 招商人员

起止日期: 2015年6月至2016年11月

企业名称: 汉中文化旅游投资集团有限公司

从事职位: 招商人员

业绩表现: 从2015年6月1日入职,开始接触商业,成为招商助理,于2016年7月提拔成为招商主管。在短时间内的快速成长,一方面是因为自己善于学习,有上进心,另一方面是老同事的帮助与教导。在工作中,本人也一直秉着认真负责来对待。

企业介绍: 汉中文化旅游投资集团有限公司成立于2012年元月,汉文投公司投资范围主要涵盖旅游观光、休闲度假、文化娱乐、教育培训、医疗保健、养老养生、艺术工艺等产业。

汉中中国国际旅行社 - 散客接待兼导游

起止日期: 2014年2月至2015年5月

企业名称: 汉中中国国际旅行社

从事职位: 散客接待兼导游

业绩表现: 除接待上访游客外,多次带团出游全国各地,因为自己性格热情大方,也结交很多旅行社的朋友和游客。是一段非常愉快的经历。

企业介绍: 汉中中国国际旅行社主要经营:入境旅游、国内旅游、出境旅游


大学 - 英语、普通话、特长

起止日期: 2009年9月至2013年6月

培训机构: 大学

培训课程: 英语、普通话、特长

培训描述: CET-4、普通话二级甲等、舞蹈大赛二等奖、大学英语口语大赛三等奖等

