
2024-04-28 08:43:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin




paul william marrow

(use bold type face to make important information stand out)

home address: other address:

45, sunset drive, (if you have any other address work or university etc)


m3 7ey

tel. (0161) 542 6781 date of birth: 6. 11. 1983

email:nationality: british

education and qualifications

universityof tsinghua bsc(hons.) computer science 20xx-20xx

subjects include: (list the relevant parts of your syllabus to the job you are applying for)

software engineering and system software. visualisation and computer graphics

i obtained 74% in my second year exams equivalent to a 2:1 (include any results which are good)

my project involved test automation techniques, which required independent research skills (mention relevant project or dissertation work, also useful skills such as team work or problem solving)

manchester grammar school 1999-20xx

‘a’ levels: mathematics c, physics c, biology d (chinese graduates applying to a western company or university should establish how grades are scaled in china)

7 gcses including mathematics, english and spanish

work exerience

horse and hounds pub, manchester 20xx to present

part time barmen serving customers and managing the accounts (shows you can keep accounts and balance the books)

odeon cinema, manchester summer 20xx

assisting customers, keeping accounts and booking films (shows more evidence of being good at numbers)

activities and interests

president of anglo-chinese understanding society, tsinghua university; involved booking guest speakers (evidence of organising skills)

i enjoy playing football for the university football team

other interests include sailing and reading sci fi novels

additional information

programming skills in java and modula 3. good knowledge of linux and sql (explainacronyms unless they are common. in this case computer employers would know what you mean)

good level of spoken spanish

full clean driving licence


i am happy to supply these on request (it is not essential to name these in your cv and you might be running out of space. in any case you could put them in your covering letter if necessary)



nonimmigrant visa resume template


date and country of birth:


name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable)

names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable)

address and contact information:


list here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. you should include the following information:

name of university

dates of study

degree level

degree major and minors

area of research

title of thesis

work experience

list here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. you should include the following information:

name of company, organization or institutions

job titles

dates of jobs

detailed area of responsibility, research interests, project descriptions and applications of research

expertise in special software, machinery op equipment

awards and patents

have you received/won any awards related to your research or work at university or at work? please list these.

do you hold any patents? list name, patent number and year registered.

list of publications

list here all your publications you have published in china and overseas.

include the title of the published article, the date it was published and the name of the magazine, newspaper, book, etc it was published in.

other outside interests/experience list here any clubs you belong to, any memberships you hold, your interests and hobbies

other skills

for example computer skills, languages you speak, drivers license or other permits, etc


have you ever traveled overseas? list countries, purpose and dates of travel

statement of intent

for students and exchange scholars:

proposed study

give a brief but detailed description of proposed area of study, including research methods and applications of the research

state supervisors/professors name and his/her area of expertise

state institution and department where this research is to be done

for business-related travel:

proposed schedule

state names of contacts in the us, including the name of the company, their job title and area of expertise/business

include an itinerary of travel detailing dates, cities to be visited, companies and people to be visited in each city

detailed content, site and length of any training to be attended as well as applications of this training

details of conferences, meetings, exhibitions with dates, contact info and purpose of attending



basic information


height: 157cm

university one is graduated from jiangsu normal university:

professional category: finance and economics

contact telephone number:

gender: female

weight: 47kg

graduation year: 20xx

specialty: electronic commerce

address: xuzhou xx road no. xx

e-mail: age: 23

marital status: single

highest level of education: college

work experience: graduates

job search intention job: civilian class (assistant / secretary / administrative assistant)

education experience

in 20xx -20xx year studying in xuzhou normal university

electronic commerce professional work experience no

internship experience

had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication.

training experience

skilled operation computer office software

self assessment

strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. to maintain the best condition in the work.





女 32岁

学历: 本科

工作年限: 无经验

期望薪资: 面议

工作地点: 广州 - 不限


沟通能力强 有亲和力 诚信正直 责任心强 阳光开朗


2013年3月毕业 大正大学人间科学专业




语言能力 外语: 日语 一级 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 精通 自我评价 本人性格开朗,具有良好的协调与沟通能力,日语,组织和适应能力和抗压力强。日语听说读写能力强。吃苦耐劳,做事细心,纪录性强,能很好的完成领导安排的任务工作。


男 25岁

学历: 本科

工作年限: 无经验

期望薪资: 1000-2000元

工作地点: 广州 - 天河




北师大珠海分校 2年

英国德蒙福特大学 yr2


熟悉软件:ps ai id





男 29岁

学历: 硕士及以上

工作年限: 应届毕业生

期望薪资: 5000-8000元

工作地点: 广州 - 天河 - 不限

求职意向:其他语种 | 涉外咨询师

沟通能力强 执行能力强 有亲和力 诚信正直 阳光开朗


2015年7月毕业 东北大学 教育经济与管理




xx,泰国人,khon kaen 大学 和 西南大学 本科学位,东北大学研究生 硕士学位,2015应届硕士毕业生,精通中文和英语,本国语为泰语。



男 28岁 湖南人

学历: 本科

工作年限: 在读学生

期望薪资: 面议

工作地点: 广州 - 越秀 - 不限

求职意向:涉外咨询师 | 银行会计/柜员 | 银行主任/经理

沟通能力强 学习能力强 有亲和力 诚信正直 阳光开朗 善于创新


2014年12月毕业 university of canberracommercial

2011年11月毕业 湖南大学 国际贸易与经济




本人在澳大利亚堪培拉大学在读,专业是bachelor of commercial. 英文交流无障碍,口语流利(雅思7分),身体健康,无不良嗜好。人际沟通能力强,能短时间内融入一个圈子,沟通交流能力较强,能吃苦耐劳


education 200x - 200x harvard business school boston, ma candidate for master in business administration degree, june 2001. member of small business & entrepreneurship club and hbs volunteers. selected by faculty to tutor students. 199x - 199x another university washington, dc masters of science degree, magna cum laude, in computer science. 198x - 199x another university durham, nc bachelor of science degree in computer science and mathematics. experience 199x - 200x high tech company san francisco, ca product marketing associate (what have you done)researched, designed, and proposed marketing program to target emerging distribution channel for local area networking and database products. (result)surveyed customers, potential distributors, and industry analysts to determine key success factors.? 199x - 199x investment bank new york, ny financial analyst (what have you done)developed valuation analyses, performed due diligence, prepared offering memoranda, and analyzed strategic issues for companies in various industries. (result )represented leading baker/restaurant in potential acquisition of specialty coffee chain.? 199x - 199x manufacturing company madison, wi special assistant to the vice president (what have you done)assumed project management duties for rapidly growing manufacturer and marketer of high-quality children’s books, toys, and clothing. (result)? 199x - 199x consulting company boston, ma business analyst served on consulting client service teams. diagnosed problems, conducted analyses, developed conclusions, and presented recommendations to senior client management. internship summer 1989 health care company newark, nj intern. title (what have you done) managed customer support programs. community consult boston children’s museum to improve performance of retail operations. personal fluent in french. enjoy long-distance running. completed boston marathon in 199x and 199x. 2 peabody terrace, #902 cambridge, ma 02138-6213 (6

7) 441-3999<>

