坚持自我 英文(坚持自己)

2023-09-27 08:20:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的坚持自我 英文(坚持自己),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!

坚持自我 英文




stuck on you

"坚持"英文翻译persist in; persevere in; up ...


"坚持自己的观点" 英文翻译:    stick to one's colors; sticktoone'scolors

"坚持自己的权利" 英文翻译:    assert oneself

"坚持自己所抱的信念" 英文翻译:    hug one's cherished beliefs

"明确且坚持自己的要求" 英文翻译:    nail one's colors to the mast

"坚持自见" 英文翻译:    firm 1

"我坚持自己的心愿爱我所爱," 英文翻译:    i love my love with a free good will

"这是献给那些坚持自己立场的人们" 英文翻译:    this is for the ones who stood their ground

"明白宣布并坚持自己的主张,说明自己的立场" 英文翻译:    nail one's colors to the mast

"把持自己" 英文翻译:    catching oneself

"由于深信数据准确无误他们坚持自己的意见" 英文翻译:    convinced of the accuracy of the data they stuck to their opinion

"保持自己忙碌" 英文翻译:    keeping myself busy

"我们坚持自力更生" 英文翻译:    we insist on self reliance

"安分守己, 坚持自已的原则" 英文翻译:    true to oneself

"让他们保持自己的特色和个性" 英文翻译:    accept them as they are

"他引用圣经来支持自己的信条" 英文翻译:    he quotes the bible to support his beliefs

"现在,认为你是支持自己的我真像一个傻瓜" 英文翻译:    my side,

"以武力支持自己要求,以武力作后盾" 英文翻译:    throw one’s sword into the scale

"纵令身处绝境他仍保持自己的威严" 英文翻译:    even in great adversity he retained his majesty

"要自己坚持那种宽容理由" 英文翻译:    ground of toleration

"自己坚持的教学拓导" 英文翻译:    self-standing teaching tutorial

"坚持" 英文翻译:    persist in; persevere in; uphold; insist on; stick to; adhere to 坚持错误 persist in one's errors; 坚持长期稳定发展经济的方针 persist in the principle of steady, sustained economical development; 坚持改革开放 persevere in reform and the open policy; 坚持民族团结 uphold solidarity among the nationalities; 坚持民族平等 uphold equality among the nationalities; 坚持原则 adhere to principles; uphold principles; stick to principles; 坚持履行合同 insist upon the fulfilment of a contract; 坚持原来的计划 adhere to the original plan; 坚持真理 uphold the truth; hold firmly to the truth; 再坚持一会儿 hold out a little longer; 他们只有坚持向自然灾害作斗争, 才能取得胜利。 they will only triumph by persevering in their struggle against natural calamities. 他们坚持电动机应当尽快修理。 they insisted on it that the motor should be repaired as soon as possible. 由于深信数据准确无误, 他们坚持自己的意见。 convinced of the accuracy of the data, they stuck to their opinion

"坚持拥护自己的国家或一套原则" 英文翻译:    keethe flag flying continue to support one's country or a set of principles

"保持自制力" 英文翻译:    keone's cool


She always holds to her convictions .


Sam held to the private belief .


Yet he dreamed of it, and stuck to his dreams .


He stuck fast to his theory .


The youth rejected admonition and held to his demand .


Convinced of the accuracy of the data , they stuck to their opinion .


John is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions .


Opposition on so tender a subject would only attach her the more to her own opinion .


In matter of opinion she had had her own way, and it had led her into a thousand ridiculous zigzags .


Gilbert persisted, anxious and determined because of his innate opposition to clyde to keep him there if possible .


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