动物的自我介绍英语 动物的简单自我介绍英文作文初一

2023-11-16 04:05:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的动物的自我介绍英语 动物的简单自我介绍英文作文初一,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!


2022年11月13日08:01:00 1 views

关于”动物的简单自我介绍“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Brief introduction of animals。

高分英语作文1:Brief introduction of animals

Hello, Martian, welcome to the earth. I'm very honored to briefly introduce our planet to you. This planet is composed of ocean, land and outer space.Human beings get resources from it and live in the ocean. There are countless kinds of creatures. Their life style is slightly different from that of human beings.They are swimming, but unlike human beings, they are not breathing air but getting from water Some animals, like the animals on the land, can get their energy from the air, and some animals can get oxygen from the air Welcome to earth and you can enjoy a free journey.中文翻译:你好,火星人,欢迎来到地球,我很荣幸向大家简单介绍一下我们的星球这个星球是由海洋、陆地和外层空间组成的,人类从中获得资源并生活在海洋中有无数种生物,它们的生活方式与人类稍有不同,它们在游泳,但不像人类那样走路不是呼吸空气而是从水中获得氧气陆地上也有成千上万的生物,像动物,植物,艾奇曼是动物的一种,有些像人类这样的动物可以从蔬菜、水果或肉等食物中获取能量,有些只吃植物,有些只吃肉食动物都从空气中获得氧气,有些靠两条腿走路,有些走来走去的植物走不动,呼吸着它们产生的氧并向空中屈服欢迎来到地球,你可以享受一次自由旅行。


Wiki cat (feline, also known as domestic cat or cat, to distinguish from other cats, is a small carnivorous mammal, because of its ability to get along with people and kill pests, snake and scorpion, it has been associated with humans for at least a few years, a skilled predator, as we all know, cats can hunt all kinds of things It can be trained to obey simple commands, and individual cats can learn to operate simple mechanical devices by themselves, such as door handles. Cats communicate with each other in various sounds and body language, including meow, purr, hiss, growl, squeak, chirp, click and purr. Cats may be the most popular pets in the world, and there are more than a million domestic feeders in the world Keep them and keep them as registered purebred pets.Until recently, it was generally believed that cats were domesticated in ancient Egypt. However, a study found that the lineage of all domestic cats may only be found in five self domesticated African Wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) in the Near East in a year B.C.中文翻译:猫科动物wiki猫(猫科动物猫科动物,也被称为家猫或家猫,以区别于其他猫科动物,是一种食肉性的小型食肉类哺乳动物,因其与人相处和捕杀害虫的能力而受到人类的重视,蛇和蝎子它与人类有联系至少有几年了一种熟练的捕食者,众所周知,猫会猎取各种各样的食物,它可以被训练成服从简单的命令,个别的猫也可以自己学习操纵简单的机械装置,比如门把手,猫用各种声音和肢体语言进行交流,包括喵喵、咕噜、嘶嘶、咆哮、吱吱、唧唧、咔嚓和咕噜声的猫可能是世界上最受欢迎的宠物,全世界有超过百万的家庭饲养它们,并将它们作为注册的纯种宠物饲养。直到最近,人们才普遍认为猫是在古埃及被驯养的,然而,一项研究发现,所有家猫的血统可能只在公元前一年近东的五只自我驯养的非洲野猫(Felis silvestris lybica)身上出现。


Hello everyone, my name is years old. I am in primary school. I am in grade class.I want to be a junior high school student. I am very happy. I like football and English very much.I often play football with my classmates after school. My English teacher is she / he is very kind to us. I like her / him.He has many family members: my father, my mother and my parents love me, and I love them too. thank you.中文翻译:大家好,我的名字是岁我在读小学我在年级班我要成为一名初中生,我感到非常高兴我非常喜欢足球和英语,我经常在放学后和我的同学踢足球我的英语老师是她/他对我们很好,我喜欢她/他他有很多人家人:我父亲我的母亲和我的父母都爱我,我也爱他们。谢谢。

