
2023-11-27 17:59:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



X:Good evening!My dear teachers and fellow students.Welcome tothe English Reading and Reciting Contest.We are honored to co-host the contest.Y:尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家(合)晚上好!欢迎来到太和二中英语朗诵比赛决赛的现场。

X: Firstly, let’s introduce today's honorable leader and guests.

Profeor Guo Yongfei, head of English teaching and research section of Fuyang Education Bureau,welcome!

Profeor Hong Min, head of English teaching and research section of Taihe Education Bureau,welcome! Our dear headmaster,Mr Shi.Once again let's welcome them warmly.


阜阳市英语教研室郭永飞主任,掌声欢迎; 太和县英语教研室洪敏主任,掌声欢迎; 我们敬爱的时校长!


X:This activity gives us a chance to show our talents of speaking English as well as raising interest in learning English, especially oral English.And it also provides us with a stage where we speak English.For this English test, all the contestants have made careful preparations.There are all together 20 students to compete in this activity.All of them are from senior 1 and Senior 2.And I am sure we’ll enjoy many excellent performances this evening.I hope we can expre ourselves on the stage in English and show what we have learned in the contest.I hope all of us can make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves. Y:本次英语朗诵比赛旨在给大家提供了一个展示个人风采的机会,与此同时,培养我们学生的英语学习兴趣,特别是英语口语的学习。与此同时角逐今晚比赛的选手,是20名来自高一年级和高二年级的学生。他们在之前的初赛和复赛中脱颖而出,并且已为今天的决赛作了充分的准备。今天我们将会享受一顿精彩的英语盛宴!这是一个英语的舞台,希望每一位参赛选手可以在这里用英语展现自我,超越自我.希望在场的每位观众在为他们加油喝彩的同时对英语学习有新的感悟.X: Now we would like to introduce the rules of the contest.Pronunciation and intonation

3 points Language skills

2 points Content

2 points Feelings

2 points Mental outlook


All the contestants will give their performances according the order one by one.Now let’s enjoy the show! First,let’s welcome No,1......Y:下面向大家介绍比赛规则和评分标准.语音语调 3分

语言技巧 2分 朗读内容 2分 仪态感情 2分 总体印象 2分



...... X:Time to announce the scores of the above three contestants.NO1...No2...No3...The competition goes on! Let’s welcome No4......Y:现在由我宣布前三位选手的最后得分情况:一号选手......精彩仍在继续,让我们掌声有请四号选手......X:All the contestants have shown us their wonderful performances.Thank you again.I really hope you have learned something useful through this contest.Now let’s invite our honourable judges Profeor Guo and Profeor Hong to summarize and comment this contest, welcome! Y:感谢所有参赛选手的精彩表现,谢谢您们!衷心希望在场的每一个人,在今天的比赛中都有所收获!接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎郭主任/洪主任,为我们此次比赛做最后的点评!掌声欢迎!

X: Welcome back.After our judges’ discuion, the most exciting moment is coming.Please allows me to announce the final results of this competition.Firstly,There are 10 contestants having won the third place of prize; they are ......Let’s welcome our headmaster Mr Shi to present the awards to them.Congratulations! ......X:激动人心的时刻到了,下面由我宣布本次比赛结果:









为他颁奖 X: Once again, Congratulations to you all.Thank you for your wonderful performance. Y:让我们再次以热烈的掌声向所有获奖选手表示祝贺

X: Till now, our competition has come to an end.Once again thank you for your coming! Y:各位老师,各位同学。本次英语演讲比赛已经接近尾声。感谢所有参赛选手用完美的表现震撼我们的心灵,感谢所有的来宾与我们一起分享这绝美的盛宴!再次感谢各位的光临,再见!


