英文自我介绍图文并茂 分鐘學會英文自我介紹範例、模板、句型一次看

2023-12-06 09:06:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的英文自我介绍图文并茂 分鐘學會英文自我介紹範例、模板、句型一次看,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!


在我們一生中,有許多時刻、場合都需要我們用英文自我介紹,那麼要如何自我介紹才能夠讓別人印象深刻呢?在本篇會先替大家一一介紹跟別人打招呼問候時有哪些說法、自我介紹時要如何說明自己的人名、職稱、身份、學歷、擅長的事物有什麼經歷,以及要如何收尾,最後,會提供給大家英文自我介紹的模板與範例,趕快看下去吧!除了英文自我介紹以外,在先前 WORD UP 也有撰寫英文自傳、中秋節英文、英文諺語等文章,有興趣的人也歡迎點開來看呦!




It’s a pleasure to be here with you. (很高興能在這裡與你們相聚。)

Good day to you all. (大家有個美好的一天。)

Hi, everyone! How’s everyone doing today? (大家好!今天大家過得如何?)

Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. (大家早上/下午/晚上好。)

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. (女士們、先生們,大家好。)


英文自介:職位/ 職稱

I currently hold the position of [職位].(我目前擔任__的職位)

In my professional capacity, I am [Your Position]. (在專業領域中,我是(職稱))

My role here is [Your Position]. (我在這裡工作的角色是___)

英文自介:身份/ 擅長領域

I’m a [身份], specializing in [擅長領域].

As a [身份], I’m dedicated to [擅長領域].


I graduated from [你的學校] with a degree in [學位].

I hold a [學位] from [你的學校].

My educational background includes a degree in [學位] from [學校].


I have expertise in [專長].

My areas of expertise include [專長].

I specialize in [專長] and have [工作時間] of experience in this field.

英文自介:成就/ 績效

“During my time at [學校/公司], I was able to [達到的成就]. This experience taught me [與成就相關技能/價值].”

“I successfully [成就], resulting in a [提升的數據] increase in [提升得領域].”

“When faced with [遇到的困難], I was able to [找出解方], which led to [正面的影響].”


自我介紹英文結尾- 簡單感謝

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. (感謝您抽出時間聆聽我的自我介紹。)

I appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself. (我非常感激有這個機會介紹自己。)

Thanks for allowing me to share a bit about myself. (謝謝您聆聽我分享一些關於自己的事情。)


I’m eager to contribute and learn from all the talented individuals here.(我渴望能從這裡的所有優秀成員有所學習並做出貢獻)

I’m excited to be a part of this group and look forward to getting to know all of you better.



If you have any questions or would like to connect, feel free to reach out to me.(如果您有任何問題或想要聯繫,歡迎隨時與我聯絡。)

If you’d like to discuss anything further, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



I’m looking forward to our future interactions and collaborations.(我期待著我們未來的互動和合作。)

I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together in the future.(我迫不及待地想看到我們未來一同所取得的成就)

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Hello everyone,

My name is [名字], and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself. I come from [城市/國家], and I’m currently [你的職業/ 學術領域].

Throughout my journey, I’ve developed a strong passion for [興趣/擅長領域/技能]. I find great joy in [簡單描述前面所提熱情的事物]. This passion has driven me to [達到的成就、經歷或專案].

Apart from my professional interests, I’m also [個人興趣與工作不相關]. This aspect of my life helps to keep me balanced and energized.

I’m really excited to be a part of this [加入的公司、團體], and I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you. I believe that through collaboration and sharing our unique perspectives, we can achieve remarkable things together.

Thank you for your time, and I’m eager to learn more about each of you as well. Let’s make the most of our time here!

Thank you.


Hello everyone,

My name is [名字], and I’m excited to have the opportunity to introduce myself. I am [年紀] years old and currently studying in [年級] at [學校名].

In terms of academics, I’m particularly interested in [有興趣的領域]. I believe that a strong education forms the foundation for personal and professional growth, and I’m dedicated to excelling in my studies.

Apart from my studies, I’m also actively involved in [課外活動]. I’m a member of the [社團] where I [社團角色]. These activities have not only allowed me to pursue my passions but have also taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and time management.

Looking ahead, I’m eager to learn and grow during my time here at [學校名]. I’m excited about the opportunity to connect with my fellow students, learn from my teachers, and contribute positively to the school community. I believe that embracing challenges and stepping out of my comfort zone will help me develop important skills for my future.

Thank you for your time and attention. If you’d like to know more about me or have any questions, please feel free to ask. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you better and making the most of my time at [學校名].

Best regards,


