感谢你的招待 英文(常用的接待英语口语)

2023-03-03 06:53:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的感谢你的招待 英文(常用的接待英语口语),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!

感谢你的招待 英文


Sit down, please, Make yourself at home. 请坐,随便点

Your room is nice and it's tastefully decorated. 你的家真漂亮,装饰得真雅致。

Thanks.It's so hot .Would you like something to drink? 谢谢。天气真热,要喝点什么吗?

Some Pepsi Cola, Please. 请来点百事可乐。

Ok,Here you are.And we'll have dinner in a few minutes. 行。给你。我们马上就开饭。


Just like Chinese, Westerners give gifts on many occasions, such as ,on birthdays of good friends, at weddings, at Christmas and some other holidays, 正象中国人一样,西方人在许多场合下也赠送礼物,比如,好朋友的生日、结婚庆典、圣诞节以及一些其它节日。

when someone achieves an honor or gets a promotion, and on a farewell visit to a good friend,etc... 当某人获得荣誉或得到提升时,告别朋友时等等。

Although gifts are always welcome , it is not necessary to exchange gifts all the time. 尽管礼物总是受欢迎的,但不是在什么时候都要相互交换礼物。

Generally speaking, Westerners exchange gifts only among good friends, therefore ,it's inappropriate to give gifts to casual acquaintance. 总地说来,西方人只是在好朋友之间才交换礼物,因此,给一些泛泛之交的人赠送礼物是不合适的。

Even if you are good friends, if you give them too many gifts, they will feel uncomfortable too, because they don't know how to reciprocate. 即使你们是好朋友,如果你送的礼物太多,他们也会感到不自在的,因为他们不知道如何回礼才好。

Usually when you are invited to dinner ,it is absolutely unnecessary to bring a gift except on special occasions, for example when you are going to be an overnight or weekend guest. 通常当你应邀去参加宴会时,你完全没有必要带礼物,但除了一些特殊场合,比如,如果你要在朋友那儿过夜或度周末时。

If you wish to bring something, in most cases, the gifts should always be small, simple and inexpensive. 如果你想带礼物,通常应该是一些简单便宜的小礼物。

You might bring some sweets, or some small toys for the children or a book,some flowers, a bottle of wine etc, for the host or the hostess. 你可以给孩子带些糖果、小玩具等,或者给男女主人带一本书、一些花、一瓶酒等。

If you like ,you can wrap the gifts ,but wrapping is not always necessary. 如果你喜欢,你可以把礼物包起来,但不一定必要。 If you want to make your gifts special, you can bring some typical Chinese goods, such as, Chinese tea, Chinese book markers, 如果你想让你的礼物比较特别,你可以带一些典型的中国货,比如说,中国茶、中国书签、 Chinese papercuts, Chinese paintings, or other things like that ,or even you can cook a Chinese dish and bring it with you. 中国剪纸、中国画等诸如此类的东西,或者你可以做一道中国菜带上。

Westerners prefer to open a gift at once and admire it. 西方人喜欢立即打开礼物欣赏它。

They would thank you and make some comment about the gift's beauty or practiality, so that you know your gift is highly appreciated. 他们会谢谢你,并赞赏礼物的漂亮和实用,这样你就知道你的礼物倍受青睐。

Westerners value homemade things. 西方人崇尚自已做的东西。

When they ask you whether the gift is homemade ,in fact they are flattering you. 当他们问你这礼物是否是你自已所做时,事实上,他们是在恭维你。

They are trying to tell you that you are skillful and talented enough to make it. 他们是想告诉你,你非常灵巧能干,能做出这个礼物。

