大学申请文书英文( 英国文书篇6)

2023-09-28 07:41:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的大学申请文书英文( 英国文书篇6),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!





案例:In my two-year A-level program at St Francis’ College, I chose subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry and Economics. Through learning mathematics at A-level, I developed quantitative skills, logical thinking and paid great attention to details. Learning chemistry equipped me with the skills of analyzing results from scientific evidence, thinking critically and solving problems flexibly from different perspectives. Studying Economics introduced me the fundamental knowledge of this subject and it opened up my horizons, what I see was no longer limited to a regional economy, but also to a global economy. The regional economy and the global economy are interrelated and mutually influential, which I was interested in. This experience motivated me to go deeper into the current economic issues and policies in a global and transnational context. My commercial awareness was further strengthened by reading magazines such as Financial Times and Wall Street. Moreover, I was attracted by a book named The Undercover Economists written by Tim Harford. He explained abstruse ideas like pricing along the demand curve and game theory using real world examples. I realized economic theories are closely related to our life and many phenomena at daily life can be explained by economics.


1. 这是选取的一篇个人陈述中不错的开头,同学想要申请本科的经济学专业,从自己A-level课程出发,简明扼要的说明自己学到了什么,以及对学习经济的兴趣,同时也有example做支撑(I was attracted by a book named The Undercover Economists written by Tim Harford. He explained abstruse ideas like pricing along the demand curve and game theory using real world examples);

2. 字里行间可以看出学生对经济学的热爱和继续学习的决心,也简述了自己对经济学的理解。

3. 看过许多申请成功的案例,包括我自己当年申请的文书,大体上都是简明扼要,非常精准的说明自己的兴趣点,也没有很多夸大的词汇。在选择专业上,除了有父母的影响还有就业的考虑,真的很鼓励同学们勇于追求自己喜欢的专业,人们对自己所热衷的事情都是非常有热情的,这样在撰写个人陈述,组织语言方面会更得心应手些。




