the mistakes that he ulgated minds. after that, i mon maintenance to set up and i myself have made a mistake this time to undermine the school environment that is should not, if the students do each and every mistake, then there is no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punishment. i stayed te is also delayed, schools the courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, i , dad and i are wrong, i was wrong. 查看全文>>>
上课讲话的检讨书 上课的时候,老师在认真的给我们学生讲课,而我没有认真听讲,而是和其他同学在下面说话,更严重的是还若无其事的发出笑声,完全没有尊重老师,不仅打扰了别的同学听讲,还影响了老师讲课的好心情. 老师批评了我,叫我反思,现在我想了好多,我觉得自己错的很不对.我不该上课说话,不该打扰大家学习,