货物出厂检验报告 英文

2023-03-09 22:27:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

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货物出厂检验报告 英文

1)plant test出厂检验


1.delivery inspection; pre-delivery inspection出厂检验(交收检验)

2.Accordance with the specification, to do inspection for the output products.依据规范,对产品进行出厂检验。

3.Test methods of inspection after production for mini-truckGB/T12675-1990微型货车出厂检验方法

4.The Quality Dept. conducts pre-delivery/type inspections for final products as per product standards and inspection specifications.质量部根据产品标准及检验规程对最终产品进行出厂检验/型式检验.

5.To conduct spot inspection on the cargos arrived at the port; To examine the factory inspection report and the Certificate of Origin;对到岸货物实施现场核验;核查出厂检验报告书和原产地证明原件;

6.Proper preservations shall be required for those products after delivery inspection.出厂检验后的产品应采取适当的防护措施,以防交付中出现异常。

7.Before sampling, the import entity shall provide the factory inspection report and the original origin certification.进口单位应当在抽样前,提供出厂检验报告书和原产地证明原件。

8.Copy of the report about the factory inspection;Drug directions and the package and label styles (except for the crude drugs and intermediate preparations);出厂检验报告书复印件;药品说明书及包装、标签的式样(原料药和制剂中间体除外);

9.Article8] Before drugs leave the factory, they must pass a quality examination. If they do not reach the required standard, they must not leave the factory.第八条药品出厂前必须经过质量检验;不符合标准的,不得出厂。

10.d inspection plan工厂试验与检查计划

11.Incoming quality control (IQC), In-process quality control (IPQC), Final quality control (FQC), Outgoing quality control (OQC),First Article Verification(FAV)进货检验, 过程检验/巡检,成品检验 出货检验, 首检

12."For an export commodity, if for 3 years running its quality has been found to be indisputably 100 percent up-to- standard ex-factory and during inspection by a commodity inspection agency;"连续三年出厂合格率及商检机构检验合格率百分之百,并且没有质量异议的出口商品;

13.State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine国家出入境检验检疫局

14.The Buyer shall have the right to send people to the factory to oversee the inspection status.在检验过程中买方有权派人驻厂监督检验情况。

15.Periodic Inspection and Supervision-inspection of Metal in Thermal Power Plant Special Equipment火电厂特种设备定期检验与金属监督检验分析

16.When sampling is used in final verification, are there formal sampling plans and are they adequate to assure shipment of acceptable product?最终检验的取样有没有正式的抽样计划?这种计划能否足够保证出厂产品合格?

17.All products have to pa strict i ection before they go out.所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。

18.Products must be strictly, not carelessly, inspected before they leave the factory.产品出厂要严格检查,马马虎虎可不行。

The inspection of the products leaving factory出厂检验报告

3)routine tese出厂检验;例行试验

4)resident inspection驻厂检验

5)plant test出厂试验

1.The problems of transformer quality and plant test increased as transformer amount in recent years.作为变压器出厂验收的重要手段之一的变压 器的出厂试验本身也出现了不少问题。

6)routine test出厂试验

1.The application of Ethernet technology in automatic testing system for three-phase asynchronous motor routine test was introduced.介绍了以太网技术在三相异步电动机全自动出厂试验系统中的具体应用。


