
2023-06-12 19:35:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin





期刊:《英语广场:学术研究》 | 2021 年第 004 期

期刊:《开封文化艺术职业学院学报》 | 2021 年第 005 期

期刊:《外语教育研究前沿》 | 2021 年第 001 期

期刊:《文学少年》 | 2021 年第 005 期

期刊:《大学:教学与教育》 | 2021 年第 002 期


封面 声明    Contents    Abstract 摘要    Introduction    Chapter One Task Description        1.1 Background of the Task        1.2 About the Clients        1.3 Challenges of the Task        1.4 Feedback and Self-reflection            1.4.1 Feedback from the Clients            1.4.2 Self-reflection    Chapter Two Interpreting Process Description        2.1 Pre-interpreting Preparation        2.2 On-site Business Interpreting    Chapter Three Business Interpreting and Visibility Consciousness Theory        3.1 Business Interpreting        3.2 Visibility Consciousness        3.3 Three Manifestations of Interpreter’s Visibility Consciousness            3.3.1 As a Gatekeeper            3.3.2 As a Co-interlocutor            3.3.3 As a Coordinator    Chapter Four Case Analysis        4.1 As a Gatekeeper            4.1.1 Adjustment            4.1.2 Omission        4.2 As a Co-interlocutor            4.2.1 Inquiry            4.2.2 Adding Interpreter’s Own Words        4.3 As a Coordinator            4.3.1 Creating a Turn            4.3.2 Interrupting a Turn    Conclusion    References    Acknowledgments    Appendix






封面 中文摘要 英文摘要 目录    Chapter 1 Task Description        1.1 Background of the Task        1.2 Objectives of the Task        1.3 Characteristics of the Task        1.4 Content of the Task    Chapter 2 Description of the Task Process        2.1 Advance Preparation            2.1.1 Basic Information about the José Rizal University            2.1.2 Theme of Lesson            2.1.3 Terminology Preparation            2.1.4 Basic Information of the Participants            2.1.5 Prior Contact with the professor            2.1.6 Other Preparations        2.2 Description of the Interpreting Process        2.3 Performance Evaluation            2.3.1 Clients’ feedback            2.3.2 Self-evaluation    Chapter 3 Case Analysis Based on Gile’s Efforts Model        3.1 Introduction to Gile’s Efforts Model        3.2 Deficiencies in Interpreting Task            3.2.1 Misinterpretation            3.2.2 Missing of Content            3.2.3 Disfluency        3.3 Interpreting Strategies            3.3.1 Omission            3.3.2 Amplification            3.3.3 Anticipation            3.3.4 Reorganization    Chapter 4 Conclusion 参考文献    Appendix 致谢 声明






封面 中文摘要 英文摘要 目录    Chapter 1Introduction to the Task        1.1Background of the Task        1.2Contents and Features of the Task        1.3Objectives and Requirements of the Task    Chapter 2 Implementation of the Task        2.1 Advance Preparation            2.1.1Background Information            2.1.2The Early Contact with Professors            2.1.3 Remote Interpreting Equipment            2.1.4Glossary Compilation        2.2Description of the Interpreting Process        2.3Evaluation of the Interpretation    Chapter 3Case Analysis        3.1Deficiencies in Interpreting            3.1.1Missing of Content            3.1.2 Misinterpreting            3.1.3 Disfluency            3.1.4Inconsistent Use of Personal Pronouns        3.2Causes for Deficiencies in Interpreting            3.2.1 Subjective Causes            3.2.2 Objective Causes        3.3Interpreting Strategies            3.3.1 Explanation            3.3.2 Summarization            3.3.3 Omission            3.3.4 Restructuring    Chapter 4Conclusion 参考文献    Appendix 致谢 声明






封面 中文摘要 英文摘要 目录    Chapter 1 Introduction to the Task        1.1 Background of the Task        1.2 Content and Features of the Task        1.3 Objectives and Requirements of the Task    Chapter 2 Implementation of the Task        2.1 Advance Preparation            2.1.1 Extra-linguistic Preparation            2.1.2 Terminological Preparation            2.1.3 Physical and Psychological Preparation            2.1.4 Other Preparations        2.2 Description of the Interpreting Process        2.3 Performance Evaluation            2.3.1 Client Evaluation            2.3.2 Self Evaluation    Chapter 3 Case Analysis        3.1 Deficiencies in Interpreting            3.1.1 Missing of Information            3.1.2 Information Redundancy            3.1.3 Addition of Meaning            3.1.4 Misinterpreting        3.2 Causes for Deficiencies in Interpreting            3.2.1 Cognitive Overload            3.2.2 Language Differences            3.2.3 Improper Use of Communicative Translation        3.3 Interpreting Strategies            3.3.1 Asking for Confirmation            3.3.2 Deverbalization            3.3.3 Restructuring            3.3.4 Seeking Feedback from Students    Chapter 4 Conclusion 参考文献    Appendix: Transcript 致谢 声明






封面 声明 英文摘要 中文摘要 目录    Introduction    Chapter One Task Description        1.1 Background of the task        1.2 Features of the task        1.3 Requests of the client    Chapter Two Interpreting Process Description        2.1 Pre-task preparation            2.1.1 Collection of background information            2.1.2 Preparation of the glossary and tools        2.2 On-site Interpreting            2.2.1 Implementation of interpreting plan            2.2.2 Emergency encountered and its solution        2.3 Post-task Evaluation            2.3.1 Client’s Feedback            2.3.2 Self-evaluation    Chapter 3. Case Analysis        3.1 Visibility of Liaison Interpreter            3.1.1 The Definition of Liaison Interpreting            3.1.2 Visibility of Liaison Interpreter        3.2. Filtered Process in Liaison Interpreting            3.2.1 Interpreter as a gate-keeper            3.2.2 Interpreter as a co-interlocutor            3.2.3 Interpreter as a coordinator or mediator    Chapter 4. Conclusion        4.1 Major findings        4.2 Introspection and Reflection 参考文献    Appendix        A        B 致谢






