英文论文范文 英语教育毕业论文范文

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Gender Differences in English Language Learning Among Chinese Students


1 Introduction

1.1 Situation of English language learning

1.2 Significance of the study

3 Analysis of factors that have impact on gender differences

2.1 Physical factors

2.2 Psychological factors 

2.2.1 Intelligence factors

2.2.2 Non-intelligence factors(interests、chracteristics etc. )

3 Gender differences in the ability of English learning

3.1 Differences on the basic knowledge of English

3.2 Differences on the ability of listening and reading

3.3 Differences on the ability of speaking

4 Teaching strategies on different gender

4.1 Encouraging students to make them be full of confidence

4.2 Making full use of students’ non-intelligence abvantages and intelligence abvantages

4.3 Using the method of comparing with some excellent people to improve oneself

4.4 Do group work that mix man and female and make them help and learn from each other

5 Conclusion



English is now said to be an international language or known as a global language. It is an obvious fact that English is definitely important as a window for Chinese to see the world. English is the key for Chinese to access the Western modern scientific and technological advances. And English language learning is a very complicated course, which is affected by a lot of factors, among which the learner's own factor is the most direct and main factor. Gender is one of the important factors , which make learners perform differently in second language acquisition and foreign language learning, so that research on gender differences related to English language learning has attracted more and more attention. Many studies approve that English learners are different in the motivation , strategy of learning and views on studying because of gender defferences. And teachers play a very important role in English teaching, thus, they should analyze carefully the gender difference on the ability of identifying, the interest in major, the motivation of studying and the social cognition and other aspects between boys and girls. They shouldn’t just pay their attention to the regular teaching principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and turn a blind eye to the non-intellectual factors of the learners, for example, the differences caused by the different genders in learning psychology, learning ability and so on. This thesis analyzes the reasons and kinds of psychological differences and the differences in learning between boys and girls, then puts forward some relevant countermeasures for eliminating the differences in English learning between boys and girls, in the hope of promoting them to make progress together in English study.

Key words: Gender differences; English learning; Non-intellectual factors


英语现已成为一种国际性的语言,很明显,英语成为中国人瞭望世界的一个非常重要的窗口, 是他们了解西方现代科学与科技进步的钥匙。英语学习是一个非常复杂的过程,它涉及诸多因素,特别是学习者自身的因素是最直接和最主要的因素。性别是学习者在第二语言习得和英语学习中出现差异的重要因素之一,因此,针对英语语言学习中的性别差异的研究已经越来越受到重视。许多研究表明英语学习者在学习动机,策略运用,以及学习观念方面的确存在性别差异。而教师在英语教学中起着举足轻重的作用。因此在英语教学中,教师应该认真分析男女学生在认识能力、专业兴趣、学习动机、社会认知等方面的性别差异。在英语教学中不能只重视因材施教等常规教学原则,而对于客观存在的学习者自身因素即男女生因性别不同而表现出来的在学习心理、学习能力等方面的差异却熟视无睹。本文探讨了男女生心理差异的原因、男女生心理差异的种类及男女生在学习方面表现出的差异,并提出了相应的消除男女生在学习方面产生差异的各种对策,以期促进男女生在英语学习中一同前进。


Gender Differences in English Language Learning Among Chinese Students

1 Introduction

1.1 Situation of English language learning

In the past few decades since World War II, the emerging global economy has made it possible for English to play an important role as the world standard language. As we know that English has become an international language which is now used widely in many aspects, such as international trade, many important researches and important meetings. Even learning english becomes a fashional thing. With the rapid development of international economy, more foreigners begin to invest more in China and want to find huge business opportunity. There is no doubt that English has become very important in recent years. Therefore, learning English becomes more and more popular and learning English well is English learners’ dream .

However, it is true that most chinese students have many difficulties in learning English. For example, some students will find it is difficult for them to memorize the English words, and others have trouble in mastering the grammer in English while some may complain about the listening and speaking. This forces educational experts to do a lot of researches to find the factors that affect students’ English learning. According to many researches done by some researchers, they show that there are many factors which affect chinese students’ English learning, including students’ motivation and interest and the ability of learning English, teachers’ role, study environment, as well as learning methods and so on. So educators come up with some new methods to reform English teaching at school. At the same time, they focus on dealing with these problems which chinese students confront in English learning to help students learn English well. Teachers and students themselves are both important in English learnning

1.2 Significance of the study

All the above factors affect the English learning, but one important factor, gender differences that affect students’ English learning has been paid less attention on . A gender difference is a distinction of biological and/or physiological characteristics typically associated with either males or females of a species in general. The previous studies all show that boys and girls really have differences in English learning. And most psychologists hold that girls are suprior to boys in the ability of utterence. This paper analyzes the reasons and kinds of psychological differences and the differences in learning between boys and girls, then puts forward some relevant countermeasures for eliminating the differences in English learning between boys and girls, in the hope of promoting them to make progress together in English study. And improving the quality of English teaching and learning.

2 Analysis of factors that have impact on gender differences

2.1 Physical factors

Psychological studies have shown that before puberty, because the specialization of female controlling the left brain hemisphere which deals with the message of language forms much earier than man, around six years old, the left brain hemisphere of female has already been more specialized than the right brain hemisphere. While the specialization of the left brain hemisphere of man appears till he arrives puberty. Therefore, female not only learn to speak ealier two or four months than man, but also they will speak oral language once they they are able to speak and show more sociality. After the puberty, especially in their youth, this feature is more obvious with the enhancement of the practice in oral language. But man, in this aspect ,takes less advantage. Hence, female has the gift of learning language, certainly including English. The ability of utterence includes all kinds of language skills, such as vacabulary; reading comprehension; writing; spelling and grammer and so on. Some studies indicate that the gender differences in the skills of language and other ability of cognition is going to become more and more less. While the more surveies in recent time have drown a conclusion that these differences do not disappear and exist steadily for decades. (苏彦捷译,2013) Female is better than man in the mojority tasks of language, although the difference is very little. In infancy, girls show more language advantage than boys. They learn to speak early and own more vacabulary and can speak more fluently.

2.2 Psychological factors 

English learning is a course that affected by intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors together. During studying, if all factors play their roles fully, the efficiency of studying will be high; if one factor is in trouble, the the efficiency of studying wil lower down.

2.2.1 Intelligence factors

Inteligence is a potential ability, which connects with human’s various cognition.

The results o f psychological reserch indicates that n average intelligence, there is no significant difference between boys and girls, but there are differences in the instructure of intelligence. Girls are better than boys in awareness, they are sensitive to the sense of touching and smell, and are stronger in the ability of listening. Large differences favoring males are found in performance on visual-spatial tasks, such as mental rotation, and spatio-temporal tasks, for example, tracking a moving object through space. Siann (1977). Thus ,boys are better than girls in receiving information from the outer world. As for attention, girls like to focus on person and are sensitive to the interpersonal relationship. So , they will be affected by teacher’s emotion easily and they will cooperate actively in class. At the same time, boys will be draw attention by other things in class,because they always fix their attention on objects and is fond of explor the inner structrue of the object. As for the trait of thinking, the difference between boys and girls is obvious. Boys is good at abstract thinking, but girls are apt to concrete thinking. Therefore, boys have better comprehension . And in terms of the way of thinking, girls tend to imitate and pay attention to details and very part when they deal with some problems. But they do not understand the whole thing and the interrelationship of each part. In this regard, boys are opposite.

2.2.2 Non-intelligence factors(interests、chracteristics etc. )

Non-intelligence factors mainly mean that different interests and chracteristics of boys and girls which have impact on their English learning.

Generally, boys’interests tend to cover more areas while girls like to focus their interests on some aspects related to their activities what they are doing. If you go to buy toys with a child, you will find that boy is interested in mechanical toys, such as toy gun, toy car and so on, while the girl likes beautiful dolls. After going back home, the boy will ask you such questions: “How the toy is made?”, “Why the toy can move?”, but the girl will put the beautifull doll in a place where she thinks it nice. This differrence reflected in learning is that boys usually like sicence while girls is interested in art, for example, English learning.

Additionally, differences in characteristics between boys and girls cause differences in English learning. For boys, they are independent, careless and tend to be impulsive. On the contrary, people will impress on the carefulness, strong conscientiousness of girls. And these characteristics of boys’ are bad for learning English while these characteristics of girls are helpful to English learning.

Intelligence and non-intelligence factors affect English learning, and the gender differences is bond to come forth in the English learning. And the following part will analyze gender differences in the ability of English learning.

3 Gender differences in the ability of English learning

3.1 Differences on the basic knowledge of English

Basic knowledge of English mainly involves these three aspects: phonetic symbols, vacabulary and grammer. Girls can speak oral English more fluently and more clearly than boys, so the ability of oral imitation of girls is better than boys. And the sounds uttered by girls appear to be more clear and more acute. During the English learning, there are many grammetical rules, and more vacabulary, expressions and idioms. All these must be memorized by English learners, especially for chinese students. So too much memorization is the feature of English learning. Studies by H. Stumpf and Richard Lynn have demonstrated statistically significant medium- and short-term memory advantages in women. girls is good at memorizing inflexiblly while boys do well in understanding and memorizing. Therefore, boys have a bigger vocabulary than girls, as well as in the mastering of grammer.

3.2 Differences on the ability of listening and reading

Listening and reading are forms of inputting of language , the development of the ability of liasening and reading is helpful for improving the ability of outputting of language. Listening tests the ability of identifying the sounds , analyzing the vacabulary and the deducinglogically. The ability of hearing of girls is stronger than boys, especially in distinguishing and positioning sounds. Girls are sensitive to sounds, and usually in the listening test of English, they can get a good score than boys.

Whether you are familiar with the background information related to the reding materials, and whether you have a large vacabulary are main factors that will produce influence on reading. Among the two factors, background information is more important. Boys have a good command of vacabulary and grammer and they are good at analyzing the difficult language and have strong comprehension. Additionally, boys have various interests and are fimialiar with background information of different areas, which will be helpful for them to predict the author’ intention and decrease the difficulty of language and make them finish reading comprehension successfully. Therefore, boys are stronger than girls on the ability of reading comprehension.

3.3 Differences on the ability of speaking

Halliday once analyzed the language from the view of functional grammer and he thought language is a form of “doing”not a form of “knowing”. In other words, it is not enough to own language knowledge, more importantly ,it is to use the language. For language, oral is the first.

The differences on characteristics between boys and girls lead to the differences on the way of cognition. In general, boys are impulsive in the way of cognition, bu girls are carefull. Therefore, boys dare to speak what they want to express and they pay attation to the influency of the English, as the result, they can deliver the language information well. Due to the carefulness, girls is inclined to look for precise oral English. This is likely to hinder the efficiency of message delivering. Consequently, boys have advantages in social communication of English.

4 Teaching strategies on different gender

4.1 Encouraging students to make them be full of confidence

For British ,English is their naturally acquired language. They hear English all around them from the moment they are born. They understand a lot of English before they can even speak. This is of course different from the situation where a Chinese person is learning English in China.

For Chinese students, Chinese is their mother-tongue language. To some extent, due to the lack of ideal language environment, it is likely for them to lose confidence in English learning. Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships. Many people all know this. Thus, on one hand, teachers should encourage each students to be full of confidence. They first should discard the idea that girls learn English better than boys and treat boys and girls equally. In the class, teacher should make both boys and girls feel confident and make boys believe that they can study English very well through their effort despite that they are regarded to have less talent of learning English than girls. Make students know that the improvement of the English is the a course of accumulation, just as an old Chinese saying goes like this: a thousand mile trip begins with one step. On the other hand, students must buid up strong self confidence. As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” As long as learners have confidence, they can learn Englsih well

4.2 Making full use of students’ non-intelligence abvantages and intelligence abvantages

Boys is considered to be inferior to girls in English learning, but boys have their own andvantages. Girls have more interest on English rather than boys, and also have a higher laerning efficiency. Therefore, in English teaching, teachers can choose to encourage boys to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses. Since boys is good at comprehension, teacher can help them to learn the English grammer first and form a frame of grammer. And on this basis, let them memorize words and expressions and types of setences to cultivate their interest and habit of memorizing.

For boys, they are eager to prove that they are excellent. And they also hope to be praised , because they like that success after competing with others. If they enjoy this small success, they will be full of more self-confidence and so they will begin to be interested in English. So, for teachers, they should provide some competition in class, for example, requring students tell a story according to a certain picture and the best story teller will be given some rewards, or giving prize to the student who can get more scores in a test. If a boy wants to own the joy of success and prove his ability, he must strenghten themselve in comprehensive ability of English. In this way, teacher also can make boys realize their value and make them like English and then realize the gaol of teaching. In class, teacher should encourage boys to practise their oral English and always praise their progress, even a small progress. This method can bring them great confidence.

Some people say that interest is the most active factors in learning , and has the emotional tendency and it is the most important factor that can inspire learning motivation and lead students to study hard. As for teachers, leading students being interested on English is essential in teaching.

4.3 Using the method of comparing with some excellent people to improve oneself

Psychologist think that the behaviors of people are driven by the inner motivation and demands which make people control their behaviors effectively. Each one wants to surpass others and become the best. Most of people admire those prominent person and consider them as their examples and hope to be the same as them through learning from them. In this way, one wants to provide a reference standard for himself. Once he set one as his example, it means that he sets a goal and will study hard to achive it. Therefore, setting good examples among students can encourage others to improve themselves. Through comparing with those excellent students, they will find what they are lacking and what they should do to some extent, certainly, they will find their own features. Concequently, they will improve themselves.

4.4 Do group work that mix man and female and make them help and learn from each other

Group learning can create a favorable atmosphere for the students to develop their imagination and creativity. In class, teachers can choose to divide the students into several groups and ask them to accomplish some tasks through cooperative learning. Since the students can have a relatively private discussion with their group members, they will feel free to practise their oral English. They can not only help each other to improve incorrect pronunciation or to rectify grammatical mistakes but also draw on collective wisdom and absorb all the useful ideas.

Boys and girls have their own advantages in Engkish learing. It not hard to find that they can learn from each other. Do group work that mix boys and girls can make them absorb others’ advantages to make for disadvantages of their own. Boys can help boys improve the ability of reading and comprehension, and girls can tell boys how to do well in English listening.

Therefore, the completion of the task is facilitated and the students’ English learning efficiency is greatly promoted through group learning. During group work, the students can acquire some new knowledge through totally free divergent thinking; thus their independent thinking ability, imagination and creativity can get into full play. In addition, when the students finish the tasks assigned by the teacher, they will have a sense of accomplishment and will surely experience the great pleasure of success.

5 Conclusion

It can be safe to come to the conclusion that gender differences has a important impact on English learning . The factors that have impact on gender difference include Physical factors and Psychological factors. Gender difference in Eng lish learning should cause the attention of teachers and educators. In order to learn English well and effectively, students should have to take positive attitude towards learning and teachers should teach in an effective way. It is generally accepted that learning English is different from learning other subjects because it is a foreign language which chinese students know little about it. As for students themselves, they should find proper method to learn English effectively according to their own condition. Although boys and girls are diferent in many aspects, they have own advantages and disadvantages. As long as they learn to use their advantages to make up their disadvantages, they will succeed. As for teachers, they should keep a good relationship with students, manage class properly and adopt effective teaching strategies,which can build up the interests of all students and make students full with motivation. They must make a equal studying enviroment for different gender and make sure them improve their English together. Teachers should use different teaching approaches to teach different genders and carry out effective measures to improve the quality of teaching.

Boys and girls have different gender chracteristics, which make them have different learning tendency. In general, no matter what educational method to be use according to gender, the basic strategy is overcoming one’s own shortcomings by learning from other's strong points and the ultimate aim is to make all aspects of psychological function and quality of boys and girls of develop fully and harmoniously on the original foundation. This is is entirely consistent with the basic strategy of the quality-oriented education. During the carrying out of the quality-oriented education, more and more people realize the importance of making a point of the gender fifference. Boys and girls vary in characteristics and intelligence, so the teaching approaches should differ according to gender.

China needs and will continue to want English badly. In order to function efficiently in its economy with the global market, Chinese needs to bring large numbers of people to a higher level of proficiency in English for a wide variety of functions. Success of English language teaching and learning depends largely on understanding English as a tool for communication. Thus, if a student is encouraged to speak with confidence, it is a foreign language teacher's duty to help students overcome the fear of speaking and learn the fact that Chinese English learners can use English effectively without feeling guilty of their strong accent. In teaching activities, teachers should take different teaching measures acoording to diffferent genders in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. As for teacher, he should try their best to find out differences between boys and girls and take any effort to make them learn from one another and improve together in English learning. It will be no surprise at all for Chinese students to learn English very well ,whether they are boys or girls.


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