
2023-09-07 01:58:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin




关于”犯错误的好处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The benefits of mistakes。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of mistakes

In life, mistakes are inevitable, but the attitude towards them may be different. I still remember how my oral English improved at the beginning. In oral English class, I always keep silent to avoid mistakes.

Soon my teacher learned about my situation. He encouraged me to say it whenever I made a mistake. I felt discouraged.

The teacher and my classmates would cheer me up and point out that I could have avoided it. As time goes on, practice makes perfect. I have built up my confidence.

Now I can speak English fluently, as the saying goes, every bean Son has its black, don't be afraid to make mistakes, learn from it, success is waiting for us.




In China, when children make mistakes, parents will tell others that they are only children and hope others will forgive their children. It seems reasonable for children to make mistakes because they are very young and reckless. In western countries, most parents have different attitudes towards their children when they make mistakes.

On the contrary, they will educate their children and make them aware of their bad behaviors. I appreciate the practice of foreign parents because they are the first to educate their children, Young age is not a reason to evade responsibility. If the wrong behavior is not corrected immediately, children may continue to make mistakes and become big mistakes one day.




In people's life, they will face many difficulties. Most people can overcome the difficulties and move on. Making mistakes is the difficulty everyone must face.

No one is perfect. How to deal with mistakes is very important. Some people will choose to ignore their mistakes and lie because they are afraid of being condemned, while some people will choose to face their own mistakes and learn to correct them Error.

I appreciate the latter. They are honest and take a correct attitude towards mistakes. Making mistakes is not terrible.

People can learn from their mistakes and become mature. After all, this is growing up at a certain cost.



