- 宋美龄说中文 中国近代史上颇具影响力的女性—宋美龄
- 宋美龄在很多年后,曾对别人提及这段婚姻。她说,其母亲倪桂珍曾对上门提亲的蒋介石多番 留难,说蒋府信佛教,宋家则笃信基督教,这方面恐怕很难匹配。但蒋介石随即回答:“我也可以 信基督教。”一年之后,他熟读圣经,信奉基督教,顺利过了“岳母”这...
2024-02-01 05:50:00 -
- 宋美龄英文演讲稿 1943年美国国会宋美龄英语演说
- I came to your country as a little girl. I know your people. I have lived with them. I spent the formative years of my...
2023-12-27 19:11:00 -
- 宋美龄 英文演讲(宋美龄1943年美国国会演讲)
- I can also assure you that China is eager and ready to cooperate with you and other peoples to lay a true and lasting...
2023-11-17 22:49:00 -
- 宋美龄美国国会演讲 日本美国贸易(1943年美国国会演说全文)
- I am not a very good extemporaneous speaker; in fact, I am no speaker at all; but I am not so very much discouraged, b...
2023-04-08 19:57:00