
2024-07-17 02:04:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



前些天,京生同学参加了钢琴英皇八级考试。今天,成绩和评语出来了,123 分,Merit。


京生的钢琴老师认为这个成绩已经很不容易了。Merit 很难拿到(Distinction 更是凤毛麟角),更何况他才 13 岁,为考级准备了还不到三个月。我们原来的目标是只要过了及格线的 100 分(满分 150 分),混个证书就够了,而结果算是无心插柳。


录像时钢琴老师亲赴现场翻谱,我全程陪同负责后勤。感觉录像的难度挺大:演奏之前先有一段英文的自我介绍,然后连续弹奏二十多分钟的四个曲目,一镜到底。如果中间出现了重大错误,就全部重录。可以录三遍,选最好的一遍提交,但是其实录完两遍的时候已经弹了大约 50 分钟,很累了,第三遍很难有更好的发挥。京生录了两遍。


1. 必选曲目 B 辑第二首:贝多芬的 Presto ala tedesca (1st movt from Sonata in G, Op. 79)

满分 30,得分 24。


The tempo was good and the hands were in balance. Most of the expressive detail was found, although the notes weren’t always quite clean, and the momentum was lost at times. Nevertheless, the phrases remained clear in outline and you conveyed much of the spirit of the music. The end became a little sketchy, with note slips and a coordination issue.


节奏很好,双手保持了平衡。大部分细节得以表达,只是音符并不总是很干净,有时会失去 momentum。尽管如此,乐句从大体上保持了干净,,你表达出了音乐的神韵。结尾有点粗略,有一些协调问题。

2. 必选曲目 A 辑第一首:巴赫的 Sarabande and Gigue(4th and 6th movts from English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807)。

满分 30,得分 22。


The Sarabande was a little slow but you managed to play it lyrically despite a few slips. The phrases were always clear in outline. The Gigue was played at a good speed and the hands were well balanced, although the notes were untidy at times, the left hand dropping out altogether for a couple of beats. It was crisply articulated and you found some expressive colour. The end came to pieces.


Sarabande 部分虽然有点慢,但你仍然成功地演奏出了其中的情感。乐句总是很清晰。Gigue 部分的演奏速度和手的平衡都很好,只是音符有时不整齐,左手掉落了几拍。衔接地很利索,有表现力。结尾有些零碎。

3. 必选曲目 C 辑第一首:肖邦的 Nocturne in G minor (Op. 37 No. 1)。

满分 30,得分 24。


This was colourful and the basic tempo was suitable, although some of the rubato was eccentric and rather exaggerated. The expression was nicely applied though, and there was a convincing sense of style. Notes were mostly clean despite a few small slips. The ornaments were generally well integrated. The chordal section was well shaped, although not always safe in notes.


丰富多彩,基本节奏适当,尽管一些 rubato 有点夸张。表现得很好,有令人信服的风格感。音符大部分是干净的。装饰音很好地融合。和弦部分适当,有时候音符不 safe。

4. 自选曲目 B 辑第二首:霍普科克的 Air。

满分 30,得分 27。


This sang well from the outset and you played at a good tempo despite the note slips. The phrases were lyrically shaped and the colours were mostly well applied. The rubato was nicely done and the music sang clearly. You conveyed the character of this convincingly despite the little blemishes. The hands were always well balanced.


从一开始就弹得不错,节奏好。感情表达得适当。rubaco 处理得很好,音乐清晰。令人信服地表现了音乐,尽管有一点点瑕疵。双手总是很好地保持平衡。

5. 总体表现

满分 30,得分 26。


This was an enjoyable programme of varied works, played with a good degree of sensitivity and musicianship. The notes were not always completely tidy but the expression was good and the music sounded lyrical. It was a nice touch to end with the most calm piece. You looked comfortable at the piano and had a nice presence as you played.


这是一个令人愉快的演奏,曲目多样,演奏出了高水平的敏感和音乐感。虽然音符并不总是很整洁,但表现力很好,音乐听起来很抒情。以最平静的结尾结束,感觉很好。你弹钢琴时看起来很舒服,仪态很 nice。

