
2023-05-18 01:37:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



关于”保护大象“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Ptecting elephants。

高分英语作文1:Ptecting elephants

Recently, a video about training elephants has attracted people's attention. Young people made this video to appeal for people to ptect this wild animal. Many people kill or train elephants to make money.

But in Thailand, people have realized the cruelty of elephants and are determined to ptect animals. Riding Elephants is famous after the video rals the cruelty of training elephants One of the des, tousts feel guilty, they nr expect to ht these lovely animals. People's response to this behavior is to refuse to de elephants.

Fortunately, some elephants are free to be trained, but tousts can still see them in the wildlife park. All they can do is feed them. What a wonderful change.

Animals are an integral part of nate. If they disappear one day, no matter what we play with, human beings will not live Too long, if we ht animals, we need to consider the consequences, then we should prnt animals and humans fm becoming fends.




I'm Li Hua. I've traveled to Eupe. What I saw there really shocked me.

You can't see any wild elephants. I heard that a lot of elephants were killed by human beings. People there use Ivory as art.

I'm very sad about the terble situation of human invading their hometown. They may be extinct in a few years. Therefore, we need to do o best to ptect them.

Fm now on, first of all, politi The government should formulate laws to ptect elephants and punish those who kill them. In addition, TV pgrams and newspapers should emphasize the importance of ptecting elephants last but not least. Relevant orizations should be established to stop the killing of elephants and educate people to get along well with animals.



Now the envinment is getting worse and worse, especially the elephant is the biggest animal on the land. They are big and long, with big ears and big trunk. They can walk quietly and people carry heavy objects.

They are very fendly. There are many kinds of elephants. They always live together.

But the number of elephants is reduced. People t elephants for ivory. We must take actions to ptect them, Otherwise, they will be extinct fm the world.



