英语演讲稿关于校园暴力 一篇关于校园暴力的英语作文

2023-06-08 13:37:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的英语演讲稿关于校园暴力 一篇关于校园暴力的英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!


Campus violence is a commom phenomenon, which refers to one party (individual or group) on campus and outside of the campus deliberately or maliciously using physical, language, and online methods to bully someone once or repeatedly and psychological injury, property loss or mental damage. School bullying can have a long impact on people involved, whether you are the bullying, the bullied or one of the on-lookers. The idea that campus violence can lead to depression and suicide can be supported by a sea of heart-breaking cases.

校园暴力是一种常见现象,是指校园内外的一方(个人或团体)故意或恶意地使用肢体,语言和在线方法欺凌某人,造成心理伤害,财产损失或精神损害 。 无论您是欺凌者,被欺凌者还是旁观者之一,学校欺凌行为都会对相关人员造成长期影响。 令人心碎的案件证明了校园暴力可能导致抑郁和自杀的想法。

School kids, especially, are at a formative stage, immature, impressionable and much more vulnerable. That is why people attach great importance to campus violence----to protect our children from further social disorder and criminal activity. But it is never easy to eliminate campus violence. Sometimes it happens off campus and out of school hours. Nowadays the Internet provides space for cyber bullying, where the offender feels free from real-life morality.

尤其是在校学生,处于形成阶段,不成熟,容易受到影响且更加脆弱。 因此,人们非常重视校园暴力-保护我们的孩子免受进一步的社会混乱和犯罪活动的侵害。 但是消除校园暴力绝非易事。 有时会在校园外和课余时间发生。 如今,互联网为网络欺凌提供了空间,使犯罪者摆脱现实生活的道德束缚。

I don't think the law is a successful way to solve the problem of bullying in schools. In many cases, it just reminds the children that what they did is wrong. Teaching children how to actively participate in social activities instead of just being a bystander is another effective way to solve this problem.

我认为法律不是解决学校欺凌问题的成功方法。 在许多情况下,它只是提醒孩子们他们做错了。 教孩子们如何积极地参加社交活动,而不仅仅是成为一个旁观者,是解决这个问题的另一种有效方法。

