
2024-01-18 01:16:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



雅思口语part1高分范文与地道语料汇总系列,今天到了话题science(科学)这一篇。关于科学,关于我们中小学学过的物理,化学,生物之类,我们一定要超脱那些折磨我们的题目,考试,而还原到科学本来的面貌:it is about logical explanations. it is about curiosity.请看以下问题。


1.Do you like science?

2.What do you find most interesting in science?

3.Are there many science museums in your hometown?

4.Did you like science classes when you were young?

5.Do you think school children should learn both art classes and science classes?


1.yes, definitely. Who desen’t want to know how things work? I’ve always been curious about a whole range of things, and science is all about learning how they work.

2. I like science in that it challenges ideas that we thought/think are ‘right’! It makes us push our understanding and want to know more about everything! There is always something new and interesting to discover and the journey to get there can be really really exciting.

3.not a single one yet. I was born in a mountainous town, so maybe a science museum is still not so high on the local government’s agenda.

4. Except the test part, I like any bit of science classes at school. As a kid I took stuff to bits all the time to see how it worked (much to my parents annoyance!) and I think science classes is just a focused, more general way of finding out how stuff works and where it comes from!

5.Of course they should learn both. Arts are all about creativity and science about curiosity, so each of the two classes serves a great purpose and, also they converge when they both teach children to see and find the beauty of the world. No wonder great scientist are often big fans of some sorts of arts or music.


1.It is the best tool for answering questions about the universe, right down to the very tiny (particles and atoms) up to the very huge (galaxy superclusters) we have learned it all through scientific enquiry!


2. It has the ability to make the world make sense, I suppose. That sort of clarity is addicting.It's why people like myself will spend a lifetime chasing it.


3. 've studied it ever since i was 4-5. It just has so many explainable things, and quite pretty pictures. Math is sorta boring. History can be changed. English... i use it everyday, but it eventually get boring. PE, too tiring. Science is amazing. We can learn so many things, and there's still more to learn. So many questions, yet so little time. Science is interesting. Books about space, chemistry, biology... So fascinating. Whoever says that they hate science... i immediately hate them. Science was the basic subject of my life. Ever since age 4 or 5. I still got more to learn.


4. Why is the sky blue? Where did babies come from? Every kid is curious about the world he is in. I think curiosity is main reason why people study science


5. For those geared to understand it; and dedicated to its pursuit, science defines us; defines our world, our universe. Without science (especially physics, mathematics, and biology) there can be no true understanding of nature or ourselves. The persisting drive to know, that what science means to me.


6. Many people got amazed, some of them gave a few thoughts, a few of them gave some more thoughts, and a very few of them came with logical explanations!

That's why I like science. It gives me logical explanation to the things I'm curious about. I get amazed by extraordinary things around me. I get more amazed by knowing how they work and sometimes more i know, more i want to know! It quenches my curiosity simultaneously producing a thirst to know more, explore more and sometimes...explain more!


7. I love science. Everything, in my opinion, is science based. This phone I am using, light bulbs, cars. If it weren't for someone that was curious as to how can I do this? How can I make it happen and using Science to get there, then we would all still be hunter/gatherers. Applied science is technology. Those who deny science are scared of it because someone disagrees with their political viewpoint. It's really sort of sad.


