哈佛优秀毕业生演讲 2018哈佛优秀毕业生代表演讲

2024-01-24 01:41:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的哈佛优秀毕业生演讲 2018哈佛优秀毕业生代表演讲,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!


Congratulations class of 2018! we should be so proud of ourselves for all our accomplishments and hard work and bla bla bla bla…


This week we have been hearing that non-stop. friends and family take pictures of us as if we were on the John Harvard statue itself, hug us to make up for our lack of physical contact over the past four years and continually commend us on the most wonderful achievement of our lives thus far--- Harvard。


but let's be honest with ourselves. It's far from a smooth journey.


Let's not forget that you contracted mono within the first week of arriving to campus, you sold your soul to David Marlin for an I took cents 50 t-shirt, you never dated anyone seriously or at all and your grandma is panicking---how could you do this to her, you concentrated in English or in economics but you still can't explain inflation, you got a 32% on your or go mid term and worse a b-plus in the Hebrew Bible. you slacker.


you drank more wine than water and wished more than once that someone had stopped you from finishing those scallion pancakes at the Cong, over four years you made a total of three phone calls home and you stopped practicing the piano, you were so good and now you're still in the job search process, these things take time mom and dad. so to all that I say congratulations.


we did make it through a significant amount though, we trekked through a hundred and ten inches of snow freshman year, broke thousands of plastic forks, eating red spice chicken during the HUD strike and came to realize those wisdom tooth surgeries were actually the mumps, we learned a whole new language in which blocking making your first Harvard enemies, long distance meant an eight minute shuttle ride and advising meant receiving an email once a semester.


we learned to question our surroundings. I've heard some interesting ones over the past few years such as is anyone in the Lampoon funny? how does Crimson key measure facial symmetry, does Harvard model Congress actually attend any conferences during their fully founded vacations? why would women want to join the Hasty Pudding or anyone for that matter. why do Harvard A cappella group purposely arrange their music to sound off-key and what does she mean when she says she took on her position as punch master of the bee to make a difference. these are all valid questions and for answers please email Dean Khurana at FAS Harvard edu with USGS Oh sanctions in the subject line for a guaranteed quick response.


but how much of this really matters. from the moments we walked for the yard as wide-eyed freshmen as former valid Victorians debate champions and team captains, we have questioned our choices and performances. we enrolled in a course without realizing called rejection 10a which although tough was still more tolerable than expose 20(这句无法理解,欢迎评论区翻译).


in my first two years of college I went through eight calm processes and got into only two of those organizations. I was rejected from classes. anyone wanting to write a 25-page paper on carbon taxes should be allowed to do so and worse, I was quoted, and with each apparent failure or letdown I questioned myself: was I not smart enough? not talented enough? not Upper East Side enough? but the number of times we applied to expose 40 or the number of times we comp the advocate and still didn't get in or the number of times we sat on a bench during a basketball game is not what defines us.


what matters is what we did next. we found the strength to try again, to discover another creative outlook and to wake up next morning and train even harder what matters is that we learn from our mistakes, to never again speak to a crimson reporter and to only go to UHS if you wanted an IV after yardfest.


so tomorrow when we exit these gates we will take with us not only our GPAs or hoops prizes or capacity to write a 20-page paper in one night but also our grit and determination our ability to face the inevitable challenges ahead, we will of course also take with us our understanding of very useful theoretical models and hypothetical thought experiments---- a perception that 7 minutes late is still on time and a dependence on Lesley Kerwin to tell us when to wear our snow boots.


we have much to be grateful for Thank You Harvard for giving us friends to wake us up for our 9 a.m. finals, for giving us grad students to lead us through full hours of silence and for somehow making our SLS's count as SPU's, our family and friends to press our cameras, open your arms for that hug and join me in celebrating the class of 2018. Let's celebrate all the battles we have lost and all the messes we have made, class of 2018 keep venturing, keep falling down and keep getting right back up. Thank you!

我们有很多值得感谢。感谢哈佛大学给我们的朋友,为我们9点的期末考试叫醒我们,给我们研究生带领我们度过数小时的沉默和在某种程度上使我们的SLS算作SPU, 家人和朋友按下我们的相机,张开双臂来拥抱,和我一起庆祝2018届毕业生。让我们庆祝所有我们输掉的战斗和所有我们制造的混乱,2018届毕业生继续冒险,继续跌倒,继续爬起来。谢谢你!

