五月天英语 五月天的英语演讲稿

2024-01-28 17:46:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的五月天英语 五月天的英语演讲稿,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!


Mayday's story 五月天的故事

When the world tells you there's no way you can realize your dream,you have two choices ——give up, or keeping going.

Five friends who grew up together had a dream,a dream everyone said was impoible.But they chose to keep going.They made the impoible poible, making Taiwanese music history along the way.Indeed, they're still going.

Mayday, a five-piece rock band from Taiwan,formed in a claroom in Taipei in 1997.They'd come from all corners of the island.Just another teenage rock band, but they worked tirelely for 15 years from street performances to pubs, to school campus and on to huge arenas.All the way to what must count as the crowing glory of their careers,three unforgettable sold-out concerts in Beijing's Bird's Nest to an audience of 300000.They've conquered Asia,constantly evolving their shows and wherever they go the crowds follow.The Asian media calls them the "Kings of the Rock Concert",and the American pre has dubbed them "the Chinese Beatles",and for good reason.

Taiwan is just a small island,one albeit bustling corner of our vast planet.Invisible most of the time to the rest of the world.Taiwan's music industry does however punch above its weight in Asia.And one rock band has made its mark more than any other, a family of friends who together have worked tirelely for 15 years have sung their way out and onto the world stage.The undisputed giants of Man do-Rock.It hasn't always been easy, the bumps in the road often not obvious to their fans.It needed bravery.But it's just as they sing "My persistence two hands that won't let go, Will the next step be heaven.Even if I'm disappointed I won't lose hope".A rally to call to their fans, and to themselves.They've always drawn on their inner strength, kept pushing their way forward to get to where they are now.

【Stan Shih】(Co-founder & Chairman Emeritus of the Acer Group): My thinking is that when following the dream, we shouldn't say it means something personally.However,when the dream comes true, what the value is for this society and for others,we always try hard to seek which means not only we have to work hard, but also have a little "fearle fool spirit".I think these past 15 years from the first concert until now.Mayday has always tried to bring more happine to young people.The most important thing for now is that they are expanding themselves from Taiwan and from Asia.They are the kind of influence.That also brings the happine they create to more and more people.It brings resonance to all the audiences.

From the beginning, their families hoped they would choose a different path.Ten years ago, Taiwanese people didn't view pop music as an appropriate career,middle-cla Taiwanese families, their parents hoped they would go to university and pursue profeional jobs or take over the family businees.And they could have.But the uncertain road proved more attractive and so they took their instruments and decided to keep rocking.

Monster's father is a lawyer and he hoped his son would follow him into the profeion, and all throughout his university days, Monster tried to combine his studies with his burgeoning music career, before finally deciding to put everything into the band.

Ashin studied design at university and his family was keen he start his own studio, but he wouldn't be persuaded.After the band recorded their first album and music video, he thought about smashing the family's TV so that his mother wouldn't find out.

Before they performed their first real gig, they have already cut their teeth busking and playing at open nights, once with only one person in the audience, the owner of the bar.That night they played for three hours.They realized then that it didn't matter if they only had an audience of two, they had to keep performing.

In 1999, the godfather of Chinese popular music Jonathan Lee spotted the band and signed them to his label Rock Records, releasing their first album the same year.In those days,there were no mainstream rock bands in Taiwan.But their positive, youthful music gradually began to take off, backed by a grueling performance schedule,and ended up changing the very face of rock music in the Chinese-speaking world.Neither the band nor their manager could believe it.Rock music had been a niche affair.But Mayday created catchy, beautiful melodies which spoke to people, and now their songs are standards for the next generation learning guitar and taking to the stage for the first time.Having been students with a dream themselves, Mayday's meage is "If we can do it, so can you."

Each album is the result of the band's collective vision and their music is characterized by energetic harmonies.They embody the one eential element in all succeful rock bands: unity.In the fifteen years they have worked together, arguments have been rare.Despite juggling their own family lives, their goal remains as one.They have yet to lose their paion for music.

On stage, the band's energy is infectious, no one can resist and arms never stay croed for long.

Mayday have redefined Chinese rock music, and when no one thought they'd break through they kept working at it.Their paion is clear to the fans."Give me a guitar, and I'll raise the world," that's their motto.

Ever since their earliest days, the band has had one philosophy: never stop performing.

Mayday released their first album in 1999 and in the same year held their first large-scale concert in Taipei's stadium drawing an audience of 20000.

Their second album [Viva Love] followed in 2000 and won them their first Golden Melody Award for Best Album.They took the album on tour around Taiwanese part of their [Stand Out 100000Youths] tour, playing to 10000 Mayday-crazed fans.

[People Life, Wild Ocean] the band's third album, was released in 2001proving a breakthrough for the band in terms of scales.The tour which followed was yet another succe, but the band was forced to take a temporary hiatus as three of the members served their compulsory military service.

2003 announced Mayday's return.Despite the two-year break, their fans hadn't forget them and indeed they came back stronger than ever with their [City of the Sky] concert to 40000 fans.Breaking Michael Jackson's record for the biggest single concert in Taiwan.From this concert on, they only had their own records to break.

By 2004, Mayday had already released five albums in Taiwan and achieved hitherto unheard of sales for a rock band, so they embarked on their first international tour, taking in America, China, Malaysia, Japan and Hong Kong.

In 2005, Mayday celebrated the completion of the then world's tallest building, Taipei 101, with their [Top of the word] concert in homage to The Beatles' legendary last concert in 1969——On top of the Apple building in London.

Realizing they couldn't poibly top their succe in Taiwan, the band turned to Mainland China, where the culture shock that ensued challenged them in a way they'd never experienced before.Could they cro over into a different culture and make it there too?Their solution was simple: keep performing, keep singing.Making use of their unique stage presence, the band toured all over the country from the largest to the smallest cities, playing shopping malls, on stages by the side of the road,and in school sports grounds.The Taiwanese megastars were virtually unknown in China, but Mayday rolled up their sleeves and boarded their tour bus, as if out of Almost Famous, and conquered the country one concert at a time.From their first concert will 6000 in Beijing to 80000 in Shanghai, all the way to two sell-out nights at Beijing's Bird's Nest in 2012, each night playing to 100000 spectators.It had taken 8 years, but they had done it.

It took three years to record their eighth album,[Second Round] which sold over 100000 copies in a week and won them their eleventh Golden Melody Award.The album launch also marked the beginning of their [NOWHERE Tour] which kicked off with 7 nights at Taipei Arena, hosted a total of 100000 fans.

2012——2013, the band took their 200 plus million NT$ concert on tour, playing 71 nights, including another three nights at Beijing Bird's Nest, each night playing to another 100000 fans.In 2011, Mayday first started experimenting with 3D technology,creating their first tour movie [Mayday:3DNA].Adding the "spider camera" in 2013 for their second movie [NOWHEVE 4DX].

What is it that excites such paion in Mayday's fans? People say, just watch them perform one song live and you'll be hooked.Each concert brings them ever more fans.As record sales continue to decline acro the industry, Mayday's succe shows that people still love, still need good pop music.They need musicians to create music, to perform, to bring people together through a love of a common artistic experience.

Despite the remarkable succees of the last 15 years, Mayday are still eentially the same 5 teenagers meeting in a claroom at school to practice.Their uniquene comes from their ordinarine.As they tell their fans, "Mayday isn't made up of five members, it's all of you." Ashin, the band's lead singer, sums it up perfectly: "Everyone wants a change in the world, and we know that as a band Mayday won't be the ones to do it.But we can make the soundtrack.If the world is just one big revolutionary concert venue, then that's where I want Mayday's music to be played."

It's never too late to join the "Mayday Mania"!

Mayday is Monster, Stone,Masa, Ming, Ashin and YOU.Mayday's story.

