社交媒体利弊英语演讲稿 说说你对社交媒体的看法与见解

2023-03-06 11:37:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的社交媒体利弊英语演讲稿 说说你对社交媒体的看法与见解,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!






Consequences of Revealing Your Life on Social Media

With the rise of social media, people like to reveal their life on social media. In my opinion, revealing your life on social media is a double-edged sword with both advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, revealing our life on social media brings us a lot of benefits. First, we can share the beauty of life with others. Sharing interesting things can stimulate our enthusiasm for a better life and transmit positive energy.Secondly, we can keep in touch with our friends who do not often contact us.Through our posts, people can easily get to know each other and maintain a friendship, regardless of time or place. Finally, your talents can be appreciated and recognized on social media. When you sing a song and share it on social media, you can get praise and attention, which will help you find confidence and encourage you to keep singing.

On the other hand, revealing our life on social media causes us a lot of trouble. First, your privacy will be exposed. Every trace you leave on social media, such as your history, medical history and your life trajectory, will be seen, and human search and cyber bullying can be easy. Secondly, it will encourage unhealthy atmosphere. On social media, people in order to attract the attention of others, the content posted by the excessive modification, excessive disguise themselves. It also causes people to compare. In the end, it takes up a lot of our time. We spend more time on social media. We've been preparing for a long time just to publish a picture, and we're addicted to frequent interactions with others.

Showing our lives on social media has brought us a lot of benefits, but also a lot of trouble. What I hope more is that we should use social media moderately and take time to embrace the real life. The real self is the most authentic and perfect expression.

