
2024-01-22 19:37:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin




Abstract:With the progress of nanobiotechnology and the rise of optical imaging technology recently, molecular imaging has shown a development trend of close integration with many disciplines such as materials science, chemistry, medical physics, biomedical engineering and genomics, etc. New molecular imaging agents based on nanotechnology are developing rapidly, and nanoparticles modified with small molecules, peptides, antibodies and aptamers have been widely used in preclinical research and clinical translation. Multimodal molecular imaging technology has emerged as a key component of precision medicine, and a new wave of imaging technology upgrades can obtain more information at the tissue and molecular levels, further promoting cross-fertilization between disciplines. In this paper, we review the cutting-edge technologies and clinical applications of optical and photoacoustic molecular imaging, magnetic resonance molecular imaging, and positron emission tomography molecular imaging.

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