
2023-04-24 14:32:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



May 26, 2022

To everyone who is assembled here today to celebrate the Class of 2022, welcome!

对于今天聚集在这里庆祝 2022 届毕业生的每一个人,欢迎!

Congratulations to moms and dads, and spouses and children, and family and friends – cheerleaders and champions all.


And a special congratulations, and I really mean this, to all of you who are joining us online. I actually met last week with four graduating seniors – all international students – and we talked about this day. And I asked them, “Are your families going to be with you?” And unfortunately, some of them said, “No,” because given the pandemic, some of their families could not travel, and be sure that they could not only get into the country, but return home.

特别祝贺所有在线加入我们的人,我的意思是真的。 实际上,我上周遇到了四位即将毕业的大四学生——都是国际学生——我们谈到了这一天。 我问他们,“你的家人会和你在一起吗?” 不幸的是,他们中的一些人说“不”,因为鉴于大流行,他们的一些家人无法旅行,并他们不可以进入该国,不可以回家。

So many of them are watching online. And I think what we should all do is now turn and wave and welcome a special hearty hello, including to the Prime Minister’s father, who’s also watching online from New Zealand. So on the count three, let’s all turn towards the camera and wave. Welcome!

他们中的许多人都在网上观看。 我认为我们现在应该做的就是转身挥手,欢迎一个特别的衷心问候,包括总理的父亲,他也在新西兰在线观看。 所以在数到三的时候,让我们都转向镜头并挥手。 欢迎!

So, as you all know, the motto of this University is Veritas. So let me begin by sharing something that actually happens to be true.

所以,众所周知,这所大学的座右铭是 真理。 因此,让我首先分享一些实际发生的事情。

The view from here is really, really amazing. I can’t actually believe that we finally did it. We all managed to come together in person like this. It’s just wonderful.

从这里看到的景色真的非常非常棒。 我真的不敢相信我们终于做到了。 我们都设法像这样亲自走到了一起。 这太棒了。

Being here – being together at long last – is, frankly, moving beyond words. But, to our graduates, you guys did not get here alone. Nobody in the world accomplishes anything on their own. So I wanna ask you now, to please rise, turn and thank the people – your friends, your family, your loved ones who actually helped you to make it to this moment. Let’s turn and congratulate and thank all of them for helping you all get here.

坦率地说,在这里——终于在一起——是超越语言的。 但是,对于我们的毕业生来说,你们并不是一个人来到这里的。 世界上没有人靠自己完成任何事情。 所以我现在想问你,请站起来,转身感谢人们——你的朋友、你的家人、你所爱的人,他们实际上帮助你度过了这一刻。 让我们转身祝贺并感谢他们所有人帮助你们来到这

Thank you. I love seeing the waves coming back in the opposite direction.

谢谢你。 我喜欢看到海浪朝相反的方向返回。

So now that you’re all settled in your seats, let me share another truth with you.


Something very inconvenient happens when we combine a pandemic with a global supply chain shortage and problem, and that is: not enough folding chairs/seats to go around. I’m actually, I’m not kidding you, with all the commencements that are going on and dual commencements and extended commencements, just like we’re doing here, we actually had problems finding enough chairs. Half of you almost wound up sitting on blankets today. I’m not gonna tell you which half.

当我们将大流行与全球供应链短缺和问题结合起来时,会发生一些非常不方便的事情,那就是:没有足够的折叠椅/座椅可以四处走动。 实际上,我不是在和你开玩笑,所有的毕业典礼正在进行中,还有双毕业典礼和延长毕业典礼,就像我们在这里所做的那样,我们实际上在找到足够的椅子时遇到了问题。 今天,你们中的一半人几乎都坐在毯子上。 我不会告诉你是哪一半。

Fortunately, our amazing staff – the people who really make this place run – who make it possible for all of us to gather, who support us in so many ways, figured out a way around the Great Seat Scramble of 2022.

幸运的是,我们了不起的员工——真正让这个地方运转起来的人——让我们所有人都能聚集在一起,在很多方面支持我们,在 2022 年的大座位争夺战中找到了解决办法。

Now, I’m telling you all of this because this is likely the last time in your lives that you almost did not get a seat. Soon, you’re gonna have a degree from an institution whose name is known no matter where you go in the world, an institution whose name is synonymous with excellence, ambition, achievement – and maybe some other modifiers on which we needn’t dwell on today. You’ll hear those in the future.

现在,我告诉你这一切,因为这可能是你生命中最后一次几乎没有座位。 很快,你将获得一所大学的学位,无论你走到世界的哪个地方,它的名字都是众所周知的,一个名字是卓越、雄心、成就的代名词——也许还有其他一些我们不需要详述的修饰语 今天。 你将来会听到这些。

But with your degree in hand, you may often find yourself invited to sit and stay awhile, invited to share your thoughts and ideas, invited to participate, to contribute, yes, to lead. Who knows? Someday, one of you may find yourself standing up here, like me, welcoming a future graduating class and congratulating them on their accomplishment. Now if that seems far-fetched, I guarantee you that when I graduated from this place, I never could have imagined this is where I would wind up.

但是,有了你的学位,你可能经常会发现自己被邀请坐下来呆一会儿,被邀请分享你的想法和想法,被邀请参与,贡献,是的,领导。 谁知道? 有一天,你们中的某个人可能会发现自己像我一样站在这里,欢迎未来的毕业班并祝贺他们取得的成就。 现在,如果这看起来有些牵强,我向你保证,当我从这个地方毕业时,我从来没有想过我会在这里结束。

Now, what have you all to make of all that – the fact that people are gonna make room for you, basically, to find a seat for you?


You could take that for granted. You could assume that you deserved it all along.

你可以认为这是理所当然的。 你可以假设你一直活该。

But what a waste that would be.


Today, I wanna challenge you – members of the Harvard Class of 2022 – to save a seat for others, to make room for others, to ensure that the opportunities afforded by your education do not enrich your life alone. You will have more chances than most to make differences in the world, more opportunities to give others a chance at a better life. Take advantage of these opportunities when they arise. Whatever you do with your Harvard education, please be known as much for your humility, kindness and concern for others as for your professional accomplishments. Recognize the role that good fortune and circumstance have played in your life, and please, please work to extend opportunity to others just as it has been extended to you.

今天,我想挑战你们——哈佛 2022 届的学生——为他人保留一个座位,为他人腾出空间,确保你的教育所提供的机会不会仅仅丰富你的生活。 你将比大多数人有更多的机会改变世界,更多的机会让别人有机会过上更好的生活。 在这些机会出现时利用它们。 无论你对哈佛的教育做什么,请以你的谦逊、善良和对他人的关心和你的专业成就一样为人所知。 认识到好运和环境在你的生活中所起的作用,请努力把机会扩展到别人身上,就像它已经扩展到你身上一样。

That actually is how you will sustain the pride and joy you feel today. And that’s also true.

实际上,这就是您将如何维持您今天感到的自豪和喜悦的方式。 这也是真的。

Congratulations, Class of 2022. You’ve accomplished great things just by being here, and I’m confident you’re gonna accomplish even more. Good luck to each and every one of you – and Godspeed.

恭喜,2022 届毕业生。光是来到这里,你就完成了伟大的事情,我相信你会取得更多成就。 祝你们每一个人好运——还有 Godspeed。

And now, we will hear from the three students selected to deliver this year’s orations, the Latin Salutatory, in honorum Johannes Martini Annenberg inicis, candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Studies, Benjamin Porteus.


