动车组司机论文 高速铁路论文:高速铁路动车组司机人才开发研究

2023-06-10 01:36:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的动车组司机论文 高速铁路论文:高速铁路动车组司机人才开发研究,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!






【英文摘要】Nowadays Chinese Railway has entered the

“High-speed railway age.” With a large number of new

high-speed trains driving, a large number of new technology and new equipment put into use, high-speed railway human resources construction has become particularly important.EMU drivers is the backbone of high-speed railway, the improvement of overall quality and capabilities is eential for the safe operation of high-speed railway.However, because of the the restrictions of traditional employment system, the current management

mechanism of EMU drivers’evaluation, selection and training, is still not strong, it is difficult to adapt to the

requirements of EMU drivers quality for future high-speed railway development.Therefore, studying how to build a

systematic and scientific high-speed railway EMU drivers human resources development system, develop high-speed railway EMU drivers from the current locomotive drivers, become an urgent subject which need to resolve.Through the current status analysis of high-speed railway EMU drivers human resources development, conclude the iues and reasons of the aspect of EMU drivers human resources structure, selection and training,

and finally propose EMU drivers human resources development strategy:optimize locomotive operation system human resources allocation; establish EMU drivers human resources evaluation system, selection system, training system and support system, and through constructing EMU drivers human resources

development management system, implement computer information network management of EMU drivers human resources evaluation, selection, training, and aement.This article is in the background of comprehensive construction and development

high-speed railway in China, point against high-speed railway EMU drivers human resources development research, through establishing systematic and scientific high-speed railway EMU drivers human resources development system, optimize and improve current EMU drivers human resources development

methods, effectively resolve the iues in current EMU drivers human resources development, provide a strong theoretical basis for Chinese high-speed railway EMU drivers human

resources research.In addition, the research methods have railway companies characteristics and practical operation, has certain reference for high-speed railway other profeional human resources development.【关键词】高速铁路 动车组 人才开发

【英文关键词】High-speed RailwayEMUHuman Resources Development


6-7Abstract7第一章 绪论10-1

41.2 研究内容与方法

12-141.3.1 研究思第二章 文献

2.1.1 人才

2.1.3 人才

2.2 国内摘要1.1 论文研究的背景和意义10-1111-1211-12路121.2.1 研究内容111.3 论文研究思路和框架1.3.2 论文结构和基本框架综述14-22142.1 相关概念界定14-152.1.2 高速铁路动车组司机人才14-152.1.4 动车组司机人才开发1


233.1.2 机务运用系统管理组织机构3.1.4 高速3.1.3 全路机车乘务员总体概况23-25


析30-313.2 高速铁路动车3.2.1 年龄结构分析3.2.3 技术等级分3.2.2 文化程度分析29-303.3 高速铁路动车组司机人才开发存在的问题


34-353.3.3 动车组司机人才流失严重3.4 高速铁路动车组司机人才开发存在问题的成因3.4.1 动车组司机人才选拔机制不科学3.4.2 动车组司机人才培训机制不健全3.4.3 动车组司机人才激励机制不完善35-36

4.1 第四章 高速铁路动车组司机人才开发体系的建立36-57




38-394.2 建立动车组司机人4.2.1 建立动车组司机人才评价体系的意4.2.2 建立动车组司机人才评价体系的总体思路4.2.3 动车组司机岗位要求和工作环境分析4.2.4 建立动车组司机胜任素质模型39-424.3 建立动车组司机人才选拔体系42-48


51-524.5 建立动车组司机人才保障体系4.5.1 建立动车组司机跟踪分析机制4.5.2 创新动车组司机激励机制52-544.5.3 建立科学的竞争淘汰机制54

60-62 结论57-594.6 建立动车组司机人才开发管致谢59-60参考文献


