Research on customer relationship management
of China Mobile company
In the era of customer resource precious, for all enterprises, the core competitiveness of enterprises is to have the number of customer loyalty, and looks at how companies will be short customers into loyal customers, also is the short-term customers into long-term customers, and then the long-term customers eventually become loyal customers. With the development and competition of the telecom industry, the competition of telecom enterprises has from the past to products for the center of competition to the transformation to market, customer demand as the center of the competition, and customers personalized, diversified service demand trend also contributed to the telecom industry value chain fission occurs, we to deepen vertical and horizontal extension. Therefore, it is necessary the new management concepts and techniques to improve the enterprise competitiveness and customer relationship management is to meet the needs of enterprise competition management theory and information technology.
The China Mobile Company as the research object, in this paper on the basis of the basic concepts and theories of customer relationship, the customer relationship analysis, to the customer to maintain the status quo are discussed, from found the main problems existing in the customer relationship management, and puts forward a suggestion for improving the China Mobile Customer relationship status, in order to further the enterprise customer relationship management to provide theoretical and practical reference.
Key Words: customer relationship; mobile; customer satisfaction;
目 录
一、前言 ................................................. 1
(一) 选题缘由 .............................................1
(二) 研究意义 .............................................1
(三) 文献综述 .............................................2
二、客户关系管理的相关概述 ............................... 4
(一)客户关系管理的定义 ....................................4
(二)客户关系管理的现实意义 ................................4
三、中国移动公司在客户关系管理方面的现状 ................. 6
(一)中国移动公司简介 ......................................6
(二)中国移动公司客户关系管理现状 ..........................6
1.客户关系管理系统的基本内容 ................................6
2.客户关系管理服务体系 ..................................... 7
四、移动公司客户关系管理存在的问题 ...................... 10
(一)企业管理模式僵化与管理观念陈旧 ...................... 10
(二)客户部内部岗位设置不合理 ............................ 10
(三)大客户渠道管理有待加强 .............................. 11
(四)客户部内部管理工作不规范 ............................ 12
1.员工对自身岗位职责不明确 ................................ 12
2.员工服务意识淡漠 ........................................ 12
3.员工的客户营销力度欠缺 .................................. 12
4.员工素质低下 ............................................ 12
(五)客户服务管理系统不够完善 ............................ 13
五、中国移动公司实施客户关系管理的对策 .................. 14
(一)更新客户关系管理观念 ................................ 14
(二)人员岗位结构的优化 .................................. 14
(三)加强大客户渠道管理 .................................. 15
(四)全面加强客户内部管理 ................................ 15
(五)完善客户关系管理服务系统 ............................ 16