
2024-01-29 05:12:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin








Additive transitions 提醒读者你要新增或参照其他资讯

Adversative transitions 指出信息之间的冲突或不一致

Causal transitions 指出后果和因果关系

Sequential transitions 澄清顺序和信息的序列和论文的整体架构

Additive Transitions






新增信息Also; Additionally; Furthermore; MoreoverIn addition to; As well as; In fact; Not only…but also; As a matter of factFurthermore, the data shows that X is a significant factor.”“In addition to the above-mentioned study, Rogers also presents…”
介绍/强调Particularly; Notably; EspeciallyFor example/instance; To illustrate; In particular; One example (of this is)Notably, only two species of this fish survive.”“One example of this phenomenon is X.”
参照Considering (this); Concerning (this); Regarding (this)As for (this); The fact that; With regards to (this); On the subject of (this); Looking at (this information)Considering the amount of research in this area, little evidence has been found.”“With regards to the Blue Whale, its teeth are also the largest of any mammal.”
展现相似性Similarly; Likewise; EquallyBy the same token; In the same way; In a similar wayLikewise, the algorithm was applied to Y.”“By the same token, this principle can be applied to Z.”
澄清/辨识重要信息Specifically; NamelyThat is (to say); In other words; (To) put (it) another way; What this means is; This means (that)“There are two factors: namely, X and Y.”“In other words, the fall of the Empire was caused by over-expansion.”

Adversative Transitions






比对/ 展现相异点But; Still; However; While; Whereas; Conversely; (and) yetIn contrast; On the contrary; On the other hand; …when in fact; By way of contrastHowever, there is still more research needed.”“On the other hand, the 1997 study does not recognize these outcomes.”
辨别 / 强调Indeed; Besides; Significantly; PrimarilyEven more; Above all; More/Most importantlyIndeed, a placebo is essential to any pharmaceutical study.”“Most importantly, the X enzyme increased.”
承认一个论点Nevertheless; Nonetheless; Although; Despite (this); However; Regardless (of this); AdmittedlyEven so; Even though; In spite of (this); Notwithstanding (this); Be that as it mayNevertheless, X is still an important factor.”“In spite of this fact, New York still has a high standard of living.”“Although this may be true, there are still other factors to consider.”
弱化论点或假说Regardless (of)Either way; In any case; In any event; Whatever happens; All the same; At any rateRegardless of the result, this fact is true.”“Either way, the effect is the same.”“In any event, this will not change the public’s view.”
替换 / 指出一个替换方法Instead (of); (or) rather;(or) at leastInstead of using X, the scientists used Z.”“Or rather, why not implement a brand new policy?”

Causal Transitions






表示一个起因或原因Since; For; As; Because (of the fact that)Due to (the fact that); For the reason that; Owing to (the fact); Inasmuch asSince the original sample group was too small, researchers called for more participants.”“Due to budgetary demands, funding will be cut in half.”
解释条件If…then; Unless; Granting (that); Granted (that); Provided (that)In the event that; As/So long as; Only ifUnless these conditions change, more will need to be done.”“As long as there is oxygen, there will be oxygenation.”
展现效果/结果Consequently; Therefore; Thus; Accordingly; Because (of this)As a result (of this); For this reason; As a consequence; So much (so) thatTherefore, we can conclude that this was an asymmetric catalysis.”“As a consequence, many consumers began to demand safer products.”
展现目的For the purpose(s) of; With (this fact) in mind; In the hope that; In order that/to; So as toFor the purpose of following standards, X rule was observed.”“With the current state of pandas in mind, this study focused on preservation.”
强调前提的重要性OtherwiseUnder those circumstances; That being the case; In that case; If so; All else being equalOtherwise, this effect will continue into the future.”“All else being equal, the economic impact of this law seems positive.”

Sequential Transitions






以顺序做组织Initially; Secondly; Thirdly; (First/Second/Third); LastFirst of all; To start with; In the (first/second/third) placeInitially, subjects were asked to write their names.”“First of all, dolphins are the smartest creatures in the sea.”
展现延续性Subsequently; Previously; Afterwards; Eventually; Next; After (this)Subsequently, subjects were taken to their rooms.”“Afterwards, they were asked about their experiences.”
总结/重复信息(Once) again; Summarizing (this)To repeat; As (was) stated before; As (was) mentioned earlier/aboveSummarizing this data, it becomes evident that there is a pattern.”“As mentioned earlier, pollution has become an increasing problem.”
暂时切换/再回归主题Incidentally; Coincidentally; AnywayBy the way; to resume; Returning to the subject; At any rateCoincidentally, the methods used in the two studies were similar.”“Returning to the subject, this section will analyze the results.”
归结 / 总结Thus; Hence; Ultimately; Finally; Therefore; Altogether; Overall; ConsequentlyTo conclude; As a final point; In conclusion; Given these points; In summary; To sum upUltimately, these results will be valuable to the study of X.”“In conclusion, there are three things to keep in mind―A, B, and C.”



Check for overused, awkward, or absent transitions when you are reading through and/or editing your paper. Don’t spend too much time trying to find the “perfect” transition while writing the paper.

When you a place where a transition could connect ideas, establish relationships, and make it easier for the reader to understand your point, use the list to find a suitable transition term or phrase.

Similarly, if you have repeat some terms again and again, find a substitute transition from the list and use that instead. This will help vary your writing and enhance communication of ideas.

Read the beginning of each paragraph. Did you include a transition? If not, look at the information in that paragraph and of the preceding paragraph and ask yourself: “How does this information connect?” Then locate the best transition from the list.

Check the structure of your paper―are your ideas clearly laid out in order? You should be able to locate sequence terms such as “first,” “second,” “following this,” “another,” “in addition,” “finally,” “in conclusion,” etc. These terms will help outline your paper for the reader.


