英语面试交流 面试要求英语全程问答,但是口语不够过关,有哪些技巧或者常用口语可以救急

2023-09-06 18:38:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的英语面试交流 面试要求英语全程问答,但是口语不够过关,有哪些技巧或者常用口语可以救急,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!


Hey there! Now even though English fluency isn’t something you can develop overnight. There are times when a rare opportunity may come out of nowhere and even though you may not feel ready, you just have to be brave and take a chance. If you’re reading this, I’d imagine you’re in a similar situation where you’re scrambling for any last minute tips and secrets, if that's the case, this is the post for you!

I’m an avid believer and practicer of the mantra “Fake it until you make it”. If you have 24 hours, follow these 3 tips, your chance of killing the interview will increase by at least 50%!

RULE 1: Less is more

Explanation: One of the biggest giveaway sign to a lack of preparation, expertise and your confidence is rambling. Keep you answer concise and to the point. In this case, what you DON”T say, can be as valuable as what you DO say.

How?: The structure for each question should be an inverse pyramid. Summarize what you’re trying to convey with a broad statement instead of getting caught up in the details to establish credibility. Position yourself in a way that make it easy to grasp exactly what you are bringing to the table. Some things you can do to achieve this include clumping together work experience under a broader category to help the hiring manager identify the qualification match, and adding up the total years in the field immediately establishes credibility.

Example: Q: What are some of your relevant experiences?

A: When I was in school I also worked on the side, I picked up phone calls as the secretary of a local dental office for 2 years, I also worked as a cashier at the grocery store for 2 years. …


A: I gained 4 years of working experience in the field of customer service while I completed by studies at University, some of the roles included being a cashier and an office assistant. …

RULE 2: Perspective thinking

Explanation: The first question I ask my client before attempting any question is “Why do you think they’re asking you this?” If you don’t know what they're really trying to find out, how would you be able to give them the “right answer”? Think about what the ideal candidate with a 100% profile match for the role would say.

How? Prepare a list of the key skills and experiences they are looking for, then prepare another list of your relevant skills and experience. Highlight the overlaps! Before each question, ask yourself these 3 questions

What skill are they trying to see if I have?

What does this skill look like?

Why should they believe me?

Example: Imagine you are interviewing for a marketing role

Q: What is your biggest strength?

The hiring manager wants to know if I am someone who has excellent communication/clientele service/analytical/project management skills

To me, having good communication skill means … (hint* refer to the job posting and use ability to those as a definition of success for this skill for this role)

In my previous jobs, here are somethings I’ve done that’s similar to those tasks above. Here are some of my results to prove it

RULE 3: Use Keywords

Explanation: Many people have the mentality that interviews are like interrogations, so they try to say the first thing that comes up to their mind just for the sake of having an answer. A mindset my clients find extremely helpful is realizing the person hiring you ALREADY likes you, they WANT you to do well in the interview, so all these questions are for them to find out if you tick off the items on their list. What this means, a lot of the times they are actively listening for keywords from your answer, the more you hit, the higher the ranking you will be on their list of potential candidates.

How: Before the interview, go to the job posting and prepare 3 lists.

Look at the job requirements AND the job tasks and highlight the key technical skills that are essential for the role. This could be software or project management tools.

Look at the candidate requirement and highlight the key soft skills they are looking for. This could be communication, clientele servicing, etc.

Look at the company website’s about/culture/history page, and identify their top 3 values.

Incorporate these words into your answers , and you will see gour hiring manager's eyes light up!

Now get out there and take that risk!

Promo: Now, if you DO have more than 24 hrs, check out my personal profile and connect with me on WeChat @ Fennywang15 for a free consultation!I am an Canadian English Interview Coach and have worked with clients working at Amazon, Baidu, KPMG, to list a few. I offer a 3-5 hr one-on-one service where I will show you step by step how to answer the 10-15 of the most frequently common questions. You can read some of my client's review in the comment section of my previous answers. : )

