东南大学英语面试 2021东南大学916复试备考——英语问答篇

2024-01-26 10:09:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的东南大学英语面试 2021东南大学916复试备考——英语问答篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!






Q1. Can you tell me something about your project?

Q2. Can you say something about your major?

My major is Information Security. As we all konw,It includes confidentiality 美 [ˌkɑnfɪdenʃiˈæləti], integrity and availability  [ə.veɪlə'bɪləti].Nowadays, with more and more hidden dangers of network security,such as privacy leakage exposed in the 315 party.increasing  attention  should be  paid  to it. So I think it has a good development prospect.

Q3. What is the most easy or difficult course during your college life?

①Only about specialized courses, I think the easiest course is Cryptography,which I am really interested in.

②The hardest lesson is Software Security and Reversing Analisis.Because it refers to assembly language,operation system principals and so on,and theory of malicoius code if  difficult to understanding.

Q5.What was the topic of your graduation thesis?

Q6.What specialized courses have you taken and which courses do you like best?

I have learned Introduction to Computer Science(计算机导论)、Advanced Mathematics(高等数学)、Discrete Structure(离散结构)、Algorithm and Data Structure(算法与数据结构)、Introduction to Information Security(信息安全导论)、Cryptography(密码学)、Operating System Principles(操作系统原理)、Computer Network Technology、Laws and Regulations of Information Security(信息安全法律法规)、Software Security and Reversing Analisis(软件安全与逆向分析)、Security Protocol(安全协议)、Data Leakage Protection(数据泄露防护)and so on.And I like Cryptography best because as He Liangsheng said, in order to respond to the new generation of Internet security needs, Cryptology  occupies a key position in cyber security and it is necessary to accelerate cryptological and technological innovation。

Q7.Could you tell me something about your undergraduate study experience?

During the past four years, I have a systematic understanding of my major and been awarded many honors. 

In addition,I served as many positons such as class monitor、pressident of the cyber security club and so on,which improved my leadership.

What’s more, I have participated in some competitions. As a team leader,I have accumulated a lot of experience in teamwork.

Q9.What do you think is the future of Information Security?


Q10. Please introduce your school

My university was established in 2005 ,which merged from two vocational colleges.It attaches great importance to cultivating applied talents and is very supportive of students' innovation and entrepreneurship  [ɑntrəprə'nɜ:ʃɪp] . I think my university is like a person with great preservance who strives to make progress,always sets purpose and actively achieves it. For example, through the joint efforts of all teachers and students, our college has achieved the goal of professional engineering certification.

Q11. What’s your favorite book?

Q12. Could you talk something about your family?

Q13. What is most person recently?

Recently,I focus on preparing for this second interview and writing my graduation thesis. Moreover, I pay attention to privacy leakage in 315 party .in my undergraduate research field and the research filed I want to engage in the future.

Q14. What is your study plan?

About my study plan, I want to divide it into 3 plans.

Firstly, I will pay my attention to the knowledge concerning cyber security. Although I have learned part of this filed ,it is not enough for further study. In addition, I also want to participate in some subject competitions to test and improve my abilities.    

In my second year, I will come in contact with my teachers and seniors 美 ['sinjər] about  research projects .I hope that through one year of accumulation, I could publish several papers, and conduct some academic researches.

In the third year, the importance will be attached to the dissertation 美 [.dɪsər'teɪʃ(ə)n]. I believe, under the professional guidance of the experts and scholars in Southest Unniversity, I can complete my dissertation smoothly. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.

In a word,I am looking forword to making a great improvement in cyber security in the period of Master study.

Q15. What is the biggest honor in the past four years?

My biggest honor is I didn’t waste my time and study hard. When I was a freshman, I set a goal to study hard. Now I am about to graduate,I think I have basically achieved this goal, but I’m clear I still have a long way to improve myself, so I will try my best in this way in the following time.

Q16. Please use 3 words to describe your personal attributes?

Good at management, enthusiasm and communication

Q17. What is your sports?

I like table tennis.Unfortunately,few of my friends like it.So i am looking for a friend to paly with me.

I enjoy doing volunteer work, which fills me with great passion. There are two main reasons. Firstly,I can make a lot of new friends at work . Secondly, I can gain happiness when I help others. The second reason also is the most important reason for me.

Q18. What is your greatest strength?

①I think my greatest strength is my strong management ability .

②The four years monitor experience and many times of team leader experience, fully trained my team management.

③Under my coordination, the team work can be executed efficiently and smoothly in majority of cases.

Q19. If you failed this time what will you do ?

It will be a great pity for me and I will be very sad.

However,I will summarize the reasons for my failure and correct them in order to prevent the same situation.

Q20. What is the best university in your opinion?

I think the best university has a strong engineering foundation.

Its living environment and academic atmosphere are attractive to me.

Most importantly, students can learn knowledge and gain what they want from here.

Q21. Why did you choose our university ?

I would put it down to the following two reasons.

Firstly, I joined the cybersecurity community during my undergraduate studies, which gave me many opportunities to learn more about the cybersecurity . At the same time, through some competitions, I have deepened my interest in cryptography and privacy protection. However, the knowledge I mastered during my undergraduate study was not solid and far from reaching the level of academic research, so I wana improve myself on a broader platform and continue to learn in this filed.

Secondly, The level of the Cyberspace Security of Southest University is unquestionable. As far as I know, the cybersecurity major in Southest University  was selected into the provincial [prə'vɪnʃəl] important discipline. In the course of competitons,I have met many powerful oponents coming from Cyber Security College of Southeast University,which makes me admire.

Southest University is the school I have always been longing for. Therefore,I did not hesitate to choose to pursue for the master degree  of Southest University.

Q22. What are advantages and disadvantage ?


I think my greatest strength is my strong management ability .

The four years monitor experience and many times of team leader experience, fully trained my team management.

Under my coordination, the team work can be executed efficiently and smoothly in majority of cases.


In fact, I think I’m a fuse girl in daily life.

But I have realized it is my disadvantage and I’m trying my best to get rid of it.  

And I also think tha t the practical operation ability and programming level need to be improved .

Q23. What can you tell me about yourself ?

Q24. Do you work well under pressure?

Working under pressure is filled with excitement and challenge. Not only do I not mind working under pressure, but I think I can get things done better under pressure.

Q25. Who is your favorite teacher?

My favorite teacher is my Project instructor,who has a good personality and not only can teach me how to do research,but also provide me with many learning opportunities,all of these guide me to be a better one. I appreciate the education she gave me.

Q26. Where is your hometown?

Q27. Say a little about teamwork

The most important parts of teamwork are the communication between team members and the coordination of team leader.

For one thing,with good communication, problems can be finded and resolved quickly.

For another,only in good cooperation,the work can be completed successfully.

Q28. Describe your best friend

My best friend is Zhu Jing. She is a warmest and easy-going girl. She is my deskmate in high school.

Although we are not in the same university and seldom see each other, we will make phone calls regularly to communicate and to solve each other’s difficulties, so our friendship are solid all the time.

Q29. How do you handle criticism?

This depends on different situations. If the criticism of me is acceptable, I will adopt it and improve myself. Otherwise, I will be silent avoid the situation become worse.

Q30.How do you feel about your progress to date?

In the past four years, I have kept my enthusiasm for studying, until now I have a chance to be here. But I’m clear that I still have a long way to improve myself in order to achieve my goals and self-value.

What is your opinion on the epidemic?

During this period, I have been carefully preparing for the second interview. In my spare time, I have been following the relevant news and deeply moved by the efforts of the medical staff. I believe that the success of the fight against the epidemic lies in the cooperation of people all over the country

