
2024-01-02 17:18:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin






Dear ***

Thank you very much for your E-mail of “***”(日期)regarding our manuscript“***”(稿件编号). Sincere thanks also go to the responsible and kind reviewers for helping us improve our manuscript in both scientific and linguistic aspects.

As soon as receiving your E-mail, all the authors discussed the comments one by one carefully. We totally agree with the reviewers that major revisions need to make in our manuscript. We also found that it would be difficult to address some issues raised by the reviewers. For example, we can not find a native English speaking colleague to help us to edit the paper. A professional copyediting service will have to apply.

So, we do not think the revised manuscript will be finished by “所要求的日期”. We estimate it will take a month longer to prepare the revised manuscript and the response to the comments.

We would be grateful if you could postpone the deadline on“期望的延迟日期”.

Thank you once again for your attention to our paper.

Best Regards.

Yours sincerely,


Dear ***,

Thank you for your E-mail. I have extended the deadline for your revised manuscript submission to *** as requested. If you feel that you will require more time to complete your revision, please let me know and I will update our records accordingly.

If I can provide any further advice or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.


