中国女孩英语演讲 9岁中国女孩联合国全英文演讲,为保护大熊猫发声

2024-04-25 23:14:00 来源 : 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的中国女孩英语演讲 9岁中国女孩联合国全英文演讲,为保护大熊猫发声,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!




Youth Power in Climate Action

(中文字幕,时长01′54″ ,建议在WiFi环境下观看)


Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon. My name is Li Zilin and I am 9 years old. I come from Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province. Today I am very honored to share with you my understanding of youth power in climate action.


My hometown Chengdu is famous for the giant panda, China's national treasure. The panda is very popular among kids because it is cute, clumsy and plumpish, moving slowly to enjoy life.


Sometimes, I really wish the tempo of study and life can be slowed down and everyone will enjoy a relaxed lifestyle. But I am aware in this world, not everything can be done slowly. Many issues call for immediate and concerted action, such as combating the climate change.


Before I came here, I hosted an activity at my school about panda and climate awareness. I think it would be a good hook to relate the climate issue with the pandas because the panda survival is also threatened by global warming. In the end, my schoolmates signed their names after learning why the climate change is endangering the panda and posing threat for the humans.


For myself, my pledge is "love panda, love the earth". Since the panda has survived changes on earth of more than a million years and is always referred to as a living fossil, it demonstrates the bio-diversity of the nature.


As the 2020 UN Biodiversity Conference will be held in Kunming of China next year, we sincerely welcome you to come to China, to the Biodiversity Conference, to know about pandas and to see Chinese youth in action.


Thank you very much!


