
2024-04-26 00:41:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



关于”职业规划演讲“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Career planning speech。

高分英语作文1:Career planning speech

Tired of letting others live well, maybe it's time to get d of the family business. We all know that handcuffs are usually comfortable and easy to put on, but if you're embarrassed or disappointed with yo crent career or job, or if you listen to yo family's wishes, we rarely put on jackets or other things that we don't choose to guide yo final career choice, rather than yo own talents, interests and passions, but these "hands" that you live in other people's dreams "Dreams of hands" affects all aspects of o lives, including o work and how we do it in o dreams, Mary H The insightful wisdom, selected fm her expeence as a psychotherapist and career , and her own personal life, illustrates the pblems you will encounter when you try to change this family dynami, read this book and participate in the exercises. You will have the knowledge you need, find the motivation and coage to realize yo dreams, and use yoself To succeed.


厌倦了让别人过得很好,也许是时候摆脱“家族企业”了。我们都知道,手铐通常很舒服,很容易穿上,但如果你对当前职业或工作感到困窘或失望,或者你听从了家人愿望,我们很少会穿上我们没有选择夹克或其他东西,引导你最终职业选择,而不是你自己天赋、兴趣和,而是你活在别人梦中这些“手把手梦想”影响着我们生活方方面面,包括我们工作以及我们如何在自己梦中做到这一点,玛丽·h·雅各布森(mary h jacobsen)富有洞察力智慧,从她作为心理治疗师和职业顾问经历以及她自己个人生活中挑选出来,阐明了当你试图改变这种家庭动态时,阅读这书并参与其中练习时,你会遇到问题,你将拥有所需知识,找到实现自己梦想动力和勇气,并以自己方式取得成。


I dream of a job when I am a Yang girl, I like singing and dancing, so I want to be a singer. If I become a singer, I will be able to make a living and do something I like. Of cose, I will give money to schools and chaty orizations and do a lot of work to people.

This is a good opportunity. Many people do not. If I become a singer, I will be very happy.



Career planning self assesent I quit my job. I understand that self-assesent is very important to my career and life choices. I need to know what I want.

Everyone has a job suitable for him / her, which is mainly related to his / her personality and charactesti. In other words, his / her favote job may bng certain siificance. I want to yze myself fm the following aspects Changes in the university are mainly about my own views, becse after o years of college study, there must be something I remember and gain.

I think my o years of college life have changed my personality. As I said before, when I was in pmary school, I was too shy to speak to others, and n had no coage to answer the teacher's questions. Many people, including my parents, said that I had psychological pblems in college.

I found that the students nd me were very talkative and willing to make fends, so I ted to join them I spent my time among fends, whether I knew or nr met. I started my first speech and my first student cadre expeence, which changed my time for o years. Therefore, I can confidently say that I dare to speak to any teacher or give an impmptu speech in fnt of students.

This is my change.


