奥巴马最近演讲 奥巴马2020毕业演讲
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Barack Obama: Hope
You make me optimistic about our future. So, as you prepare for the next stage of what I know will be a remarkable journey, I'll leave you with a few quick pieces of advice, for what they're worth.
First, do what you think is right, not just what's convenient or what's expected or what's easy. While you have this time, think about the values that matter to you the most. Too many graduates, who feel the pressure to immediately start running that race for success, skip the step of asking themselves, "What's really important?"
And too often they end up as adults who only do what's good for them and say that, "Heck with everybody else," and they end up not having a lot of meaningful relationships or not really feeling as if they made a serious contribution to the world.
I hope that instead you decide to moor yourself in values that last, like responsibility, fairness, generosity, and respect for others.That will make you part of the solution instead of part of the problem, and if experience is any guide, it actually makes for a happier life.
Second, listen to each other, respect each other and use all that critical thinking you've developed from your education to help promote the truth. You are the internet generation in the social media generation, it's not just how you shop or listen to music or watch videos. It's part of your social lives , it's the new town square where you'll all come together and meet.
In many ways it's been an amazing tool. In your pockets you have access to more information than any group of people in history. It's allowed movements of like-minded people to mobilize on behalf of worthy causes.
But, what's become clear, is that social media can also be a tool that spread conflict, division, and falsehoods to bully people and promote hate. Too often it shuts us off from each other instead of bringing us together, partly because it gives us the ability to select ourown realities independent of facts or science or logic or common sense. We start reading only news and opinions that reinforce our own biases.
As a generation that understands social media and technology a lot better than anyone, it's gonna be up to you to create online cultures and communities that respect differences of opinion and freedom of speech and also restore the kind of honest informed fact-based debate that is the starting point for tackling the challenges we face.
None of these changes happened overnight or without sustained effort. But they did happen. Usually because young people marched and organize, and voted, and formed alliances, and just lead good lives, and looked after their community and their families and their neighborhoods, and slowly changed hearts and minds. America changed, has always changed, because young people dared to hope.
You don't always need hope when everything's going fine. It's when things seem darkest. That's when you need it the most. Now someone once said, "Hope is not a lottery ticket, it's a hammer for us to use in a national emergency to break the glass, sound the alarm, and sprint into action."
That's what hope is. It's not the blind faith that things will get better, it's the conviction that with effort and perseverance and courage and a concern for others, things can get better.
Tim Cook: Circumstances
It can be difficult to see the whole picture when you're still inside the frame, but I hope you wear these uncommon circumstances as a badge of honor.
Those who meet times of historical challenge with their eyes and hearts open — forever restless and forever striving — are also those who leave the greatest impact on the lives of others.
In every age, life has a frustrating way of reminding us that we are not the sole authors of our story. We must share credit, whether we'd like to or not, with a difficult and selfish collaborator called our circumstances.
And when our glittering plans are scrambled, as they often will be, and our dearest hopes are dashed, as will sometimes happen, we're left with a choice.
We can curse the loss of something that was never going to be, or we can see reasons to be grateful for the yank on the scruff of the neck, in having our eyes lifted up from the story we were writing for ourselves and turned instead to a remade world.
Memorialize in your heart the way in which these times reveal what really matters: the health and well-being of our loved ones, the resilience of our communities, and the sacrifices made by those — from doctors to garbage collectors — who give their whole selvesto serving others.
Graduates, your case is new. For you, the old dogmas have never been an option. You don't have the luxury of being enthralled.
You enter a world of difficulty with open eyes, tasked with writing a story that is not necessarily of your choosing but is still entirely yours.
You're the pride of your parents and grandparents, of aunts, uncles and teachers, of the communities that shaped you in ways seen and unseen.
You weren't promised this day. Many of you had to fight hard to earn it. Now it's yours.
Think anew. Act anew. Build a better future than the one you thought was certain. And, in a fearful time, call us once again to hope.