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关于”如何克服公共场合演讲的恐惧“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:How to overcome the fear of public speaking。

高分英语作文1:How to overcome the fear of public speaking

In recent years, my life has changed a lot. I used to be very shy. When I talked to others in class, my face would turn red.I used to be quiet and didn't answer questions after school. I used to walk alone. Now I just smile when I meet my neighbors.I'm more outgoing than before. I'm very active in class. I can read the text aloud before class.I also make many friends The biggest change in my life is that I can speak in public, which is the most important change, because I'm no longer nervous about other people.中文翻译:这几年我的生活发生了很大的变化我以前很害羞,在课堂上和别人说话的时候,我的脸会变红,以前我很安静,放学后不回答问题,我过去常常一个人走,现在遇到邻居时只是微笑,我比以前更外向了我在课堂上很活跃,我能在课前大声朗读课文我也交了很多朋友我生活中最大的改变是我可以在公共场合演讲这是最重要的改变,因为面对别人我不再紧张。


Because I was very young, I was shy in public, so I always avoided performing in front of so many people. Although I tried to overcome it in school, when I came to the job market, I still felt uneasy in public. I realized that I had to overcome my fear or I would lose my Shide.I still remember the terrible experience of the first interview, and I received a phone call saying that I had to overcome my fear I got an interview opportunity. When I came to the company, I was very excited. I found that there were six other young people competing with me.Then I began to feel nervous. When it was my turn, the employers asked us to sit on a round table and introduce ourselves one by one. I lowered my head and spoke in a low voice.Then the employer continued to let us speak on the stage. I lost confidence and performance too bad. This interview taught me a lesson.I had to overcome my fear or I would lose the chance, so I practiced hard and dare to stand on the stage.中文翻译:因为我很小,在公共场合我很害羞,所以我总是避免在那么多人面前表演,虽然我在学校努力克服,但当我来到就业市场时,我仍然感到在公共场所不安,我意识到我必须克服我的恐惧,否则我会失去我的史黛仍然记得第一次面试的可怕经历,我接到一个电话说我得到了一个面试的机会,当我来到公司时我感到非常兴奋,我发现还有另外六个年轻人和我竞争,然后我开始感到紧张,轮到我的时候,雇主们让我们坐在圆桌上,一个一个地自我介绍,我低下头,低声说话,然后雇主继续让我们在舞台上演讲我失去了信心,表现糟糕。这次面试给了我一个教训,我必须克服恐惧,否则我会失去机会,所以我努力练习,敢于站在舞台上。


After graduating from University, I decided to be a high school teacher for many reasons. First of all, when I was a little boy, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher. It was so fascinating for me.I hope I can realize my dream. I often like to be with middle school students. At that age, most students are full of youthful vigor, and I believe their enthusiasm will pass on to me, and they will retain all the enthusiasm of adolescence.The most important reason is that the country needs a lot of teachers. In China, teaching is considered to be a hard and low-income job. If there are not enough of us, the businessmen, the farmers and the future, we will be short of the excellent workers, the farmers and even the future.How can our country be strong and rich? I hope my country will become a better country. I am ready to be a teacher. I hope all people with lofty ideals will devote themselves to this meaningful cause,.中文翻译:我未来的普莱纳中学老师大学毕业后我决定当一名中学教师有很多原因首先,当我还是个小男孩的时候,我一直梦想着成为一名教师,这对我来说是如此的着迷,我希望我能实现我的梦想,我非常喜欢和中学生在一起。在那个年龄段,大多数学生都充满了青春活力,我相信他们的热情会传给我,他们会保留所有青春期的热情最重要的原因是国家需要大量的教师。在中国,教书被认为是一项艰苦而低收入的工作。但是,如果我们没有足够的教师,我们的未来将缺少优秀的科学家、管理人员、商人、士兵,甚至是优秀的工人和农民。我们的国家如何才能强大和富裕?我希望我的国家成为一个更好的国家我已经准备好当一名教师希望所有有志之士都能为这项有意义的事业献身,。

