
2023-09-28 18:35:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



Abstract: Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) is a lithoautotrophic biological nitrogen removal process with inherent advantages of low energy consumption, high nitrogen removal loading rate, no external carbon source and low sludge generation, which can be applied for treating wastewater with low C/N ratios. However, due to the slow growth rate of anammox bacteria, biomass is commonly increased by sludge granulation in the anammox reactor. The extracellular polymer substances (EPS) play a vital role in the formation and stabilization of anammox granular sludge. Here, we reviewed the role of EPS in promoting sludge aggregation and maintaining stability during formation of anammox granular sludge, and clarified the major components and functions of EPS. In addition, the particle size of anammox particle sludge, the water quality such as organic matter, nitrogen concentration and nitrogen loading, and the additional mediators such as minerals or metal ions were evaluated on the concentration and composition of EPS of anammox granular sludge. Future research is needed in the field of the micro-analysis of the EPS structure and composition of anammox granular sludge and the enhancement of EPS secretion to promote the rapid formation of granular sludge should be carried out. The ultimate goal of this review is to provide a reference for applying anammox granular sludge technology at large scale.

图 1 厌氧氨氧化菌聚集过程的假说[4]

Figure 1. Hypothesis of Anammox Bacterial Aggregation Process

表 1 不同运行条件下厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥EPS主要成分

Table 1. The main components of anammox granular sludge EPS under different operating conditions

反应器类型 脱氮负荷/

(kg ·(m3·d)−1)


/( mg·g−1)

EPS成分含量/( mg·g−1) PN/PS 参考文献


UASB 0.24 387.23 226.9 140 1.62 [27]

UASB 0.14 105.15±6.63 93.01±6.23 12.15±0.40 7.66 [28]

UASB 0.17 265.2±4.6 164.4±9.3 71.8±2.3 2.29 [29]

UASB 0.30 850 500 350 1.43 [30]

UASB 0.06 174.2 49.2 91.1 0.54 [19]

UASB 0.40 13.35 11.61 1.74 6.67 [31]

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SBR 0.125 200 140 60 2.33 [38]

SBBR 0.19 290.92 132.05 106.32 1.24 [39]

A2O 1.01 146.69 90 23 3.91 [40]


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