
2023-12-15 15:29:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



为探明水环境中抗生素污染特征及发展趋势,基于Web of Science(WoS)数据库2000—2020年发表的水环境中抗生素污染研究的相关文献信息,运用文献计量学方法对发文量、引用频次、作者、发文国家、研究机构、发文期刊、关键词等进行分析,解析近20年该领域的研究进展并对未来发展提出建议。结果表明:2000—2020年共发表水环境中抗生素污染研究相关文献3 312篇,年发文量呈上升趋势;文献涉及全球108个国家,其中中国发文量为1 208篇,占总发文量的36.46%;antibiotic resistance(抗生素抗性)、diversity(多样性)、drinking water(饮用水)是中介中心性较高的关键词,也是抗生素污染研究的核心内容;Science of the Total Environment和Environmental Science and Pollution Research是该领域文献的主要期刊载体;抗性基因对水生态系统造成的影响、抗性基因在食物链中的富集迁移特征等为近年来该领域的研究热点。

抗生素 / 

水环境 / 

文献计量 / 

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To find out the present situation and development trend of antibiotic pollution characteristics in the water environment, based on the related literature information on the distribution characteristics of antibiotic pollution in the water environment published in Web of Science (WoS) database from 2000 to 2020, the annually published papers, citation frequency, authors, countries, institutions, journals, and keywords were analyzed by bibliometrics, the research progress in this field in the past 20 years was analyzed, and some suggestions for future development were put forward. The results showed that there were 3 312 papers published in the field of antibiotic pollution characteristics in the water environment from 2000 to 2020. The number of papers published annually showed an increasing trend. The literature covered 108 countries worldwide, and the number of published articles in China was 1 208, accounting for 36.46% of the total. Antibiotic resistanc, diversity and drinking water were keywords with high intermediary centrality and were also the core contents of antibiotic pollution research. Science of the Total Environment and Environmental Science and Pollution Research were the main periodical carriers of literature in this field. In recent years, the research on resistance genes' influence on aquatic ecosystem and their migration characteristics in the food chain were hot issues.

表  12000—2020年水环境中抗生素污染研究领域发文量排名前10的国家

Table  1. Top 10 countries in the number of papers published of antibiotics pollution in aquatic environment from 2000 to 2020

1中国1 20836.47

表  22000—2020年水环境中抗生素污染研究领域发文量排名前10的作者

Table  2. Top 10 authors in the number of papers published of antibiotics pollution in aquatic environment from 2000 to 2020

1Ying G G290.88
2Barcelo D260.79
3Chen J W190.57
4Zhang G160.48
5Chen H160.48
6Luo Y130.39
7Lu SY130.39
8Zhang S130.39
9Song H L130.39
10Li P120.36
10He Y L120.36
10Zeng G M120.36

表  32000—2020年水环境中抗生素污染研究领域发文量排名前10的研究机构

Table  3. Top 10 most active institutions of publications of antibiotics pollution in aquatic environment from 2000 to 2020


表  42000—2020年水环境中抗生素污染研究领域发文量排名前10的期刊信息

Table  4. Top 10 journals with the number of antibiotics pollution in aquatic environment from 2000 to 2020



1 Science of the Total Environment 333 10.05 environmental sciences 7.963
2 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 139 4.20 environmental sciences 4.223
3 Chemosphere 129 3.90 environmental sciences 7.086
4 Environmental Pollution 118 3.56 environmental sciences 8.071
5 Water Research 105 3.17 environmental sciences 11.236
6 Environmental Science & Technology 80 2.42 environmental sciences 9.028
7 Journal of Hazardous Materials 64 1.93 environmental sciences 10.588
8 Frontiers in Microbiology 59 1.78 microbiology 5.640
9 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 56 1.69 environmental sciences 6.291
10 Chemical Engineering Journal 54 1.63 engineering chemical 13.273

表  52000—2020年水环境中抗生素污染研究领域出现频次排名前10的关键词

Table  5. Top 10 keywords according to the frequency in aquatic environment from 2000 to 2020

3antibiotic resistance525
4surface water508
6Escherichia coli405
8personal care product346
10aquatic environment339

表  62000—2020年水环境中抗生素污染研究领域中介中心性排名前10的关键词

Table  6. Top 10 keywords according to the mediating centrality in aquatic environment from 2000 to 2020

1antibiotic resistance0.18
3drinking water0.13
7fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent0.08
9aquatic environment0.07
10bacterial community0.07

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