
2023-12-28 00:44:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



口腔卫生 / 

行为 / 

饮食习惯 / 


Abstract:Oral diseases are the most important public health problems that have not received due attention, especially among college students. Based on the analysis of literatures on oral health status and behaviors of college students, the paper systematically summarizes the relevant research situation, points out the existing problems. Suggestions and countermeasures, such as attaching importance to the investigation and research on oral health of college students, improving the quality and level of scientific research on oral health of college students, exploring more effective comprehensive intervention measures for oral diseases and oral health education, should be implemented as projects are put forward, so as to provide basis for improving the oral health status of Chinese college students and promoting relevant research level.

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