
2024-07-13 09:50:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin




Contract Number Abbreviations in English

In business, contracts are common tools for formalizing agreements between parties involved in a transaction. Contracts help to ensure that both parties are aware of their obligations and responsibilities during a transaction, and they provide legal recourse in the event that either party fails to fulfill their obligations. One essential aspect of a contract is the contract number, which helps to identify the specific agreement in question. In English, contract numbers are typically abbreviated for convenience and efficiency. Here are some of the most common abbreviations used for contract numbers in English:

1. CN (Contract Number)

The acronym CN stands for Contract Number, and it is the most common abbreviation used to denote a contract. This abbreviation is commonly used in legal documents and business correspondence.

2. C/N (Contract/Number)

C/N means Contract/Number and is another common abbreviation for contract numbers. This abbreviation is often used in logistics and transportation documents to track shipments and orders.

3. CO (Contract Order)

CO stands for Contract Order, and it is often used in manufacturing and supply chain management to refer to orders for products or services.

4. PO (Purchase Order)

PO is an abbreviation for Purchase Order, which is a document issued by a buyer to a supplier indicating the details of a purchase. This document typically includes the contract number for the transaction.

5. NO (Number Order)

NO is an abbreviation for Number Order, and it is often used in logistics and transportation to refer to numerical orders for shipments.

6. RCN (Revised Contract Number)

RCN is an abbreviation for Revised Contract Number, which is used to denote a change or revision to an existing contract. This abbreviation is often used in legal documents and procurement processes.

7. CCN (Change Control Number)

The abbreviation CCN stands for Change Control Number, which is used to track changes or revisions made to a contract. This abbreviation is commonly used in engineering and IT-related contracts.

In conclusion, contract numbers are an essential component of formalizing agreements in business. Abbreviations for contract numbers provide convenience and efficiency in legal documents and business transactions. These abbreviations are widely used in logistics, supply chain management, procurement, and other areas of business. By understanding these abbreviations, business professionals can communicate more efficiently and effectively in their day-to-day activities.




英文中,合同编号通常会被缩写成CT(Contract Number)或者简单地写成CN。其中 “T” 的来源主要是因为在英文中,“Contract”这个单词中的“T”比较突出。

在实际操作中,还有一些特殊的缩写用于表示不同类型的合同。例如:PO表示采购订单(Purchase Order),PI代表发票(Proforma Invoice),COA表示质量保证证书(Certificate Of Analysis)等等。






1. 项目代号:表示合同所涉及的项目名称或代号。

2. 合同类型:表示合同所属的类型,如采购合同(Pur)、销售合同(Sal)、服务合同(Ser)等等。

3. 流水号:一般是按照时间或接受顺序进行编排的数字,可自行选择或使用合同管理系统自动生成。







1. CN:中国的缩写,代表“中国”,经常出现在中文合同中。

2. CO:代表“公司”,包括国内外的公司。

3. CNY:人民币的缩写,代表中国的货币单位。

4. USD:美元的缩写,代表美国的货币单位。在国际贸易中经常会用到。

5. EU:欧洲联盟的缩写,代表由28个欧洲国家和地区组成的联盟。

6. MOU:谅解备忘录的缩写,代表两个或多个实体之间达成的意向协议。通常是非正式的协议,不具有法律约束力。

7. LOI:意向书的缩写,也叫“意向协议书”,通常是买方与卖方签署的一份协议,用于确定交易双方之间的意向和基本条款。

8. SPA:股权转让协议的缩写,是指在股权投资及并购交易中用来规范双方权利与义务的书面协议。

9. NDA:保密协议的缩写,是指在双方开展商业合作时,为了保护双方商业秘密而签署的保密协议。

10. B/L:提单的缩写,是指在国际贸易中运输货物的文件,用于确认承运人与货主之间的运输合同。

11. MTA:材料转移协议的缩写,是指当一方向另一方提供有价值的材料时,用于确保双方有关财产权和使用范围的规定。

12. MOA:合同协议的缩写,是指在高校或研究机构之间签署的一份合同,用于规范科研合作及技术转移。


