自我 心理学 个人陈述范文 心理学

2024-05-10 10:33:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的自我 心理学 个人陈述范文 心理学,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!

自我 心理学

Several experiences have stimulated my commitment to Psychology. The first is that fact that my mother is diagnosed schizophrenic. As a child I did not understand why her behavior was so different from other adults. Her behavior promoted my curiosity involving the development, duration, and treatment of schizophrenia. At an early age I gained insight about how society is not always accepting of those persons who are “unusual” and “abnormal”. She is a high functioning person who is in an institution. I felt there had to be alternative ways to deal with her behaviors than to put her away from a close supportive family.

第一段开门见山剖析自己对心理学的commitment来自几段经历。第一段经历是自己母亲的精神分裂症。虽然母亲是high functioning person, 但是仍然不被社会所接纳。作者因此想去寻找对待精神病人的alternative way.

A second experience involves my academic background. The knowledge I have gained from class material and applied experience has inspired a desire to come to a more in depth understanding of psychological phenomena. The phenomena include the manifestation of mental illness and the adaptation difficulties associated with mental abnormalities. I have financed approximately ninety percent of my education in my request for said psychological knowledge.

In the upcoming semester I will be gaining more experience in the research and teaching aspects of psychology. My research experience will be supervised under Dr. Osman. I will be involved in…….I expect to gain more experience for myself in understanding the research process for later use in graduate school and beyond.

My practicum at the Battered Women’s Shelter enlightened my understanding of interpersonal interaction and how different individuals deal with crisis situations in their own unique ways. I observed a minimal part of male-female relations within the realm of violence. This includes how the development of the male versus the female gendered personalities can affect overt as well as covert behavior in adult interpersonal interaction.

第二、三、四段叙述的是自己的学术经历。作者剖析道是自己在课堂上学到的知识让自己产生了继续研究的兴趣,并且指出了自己感兴趣的一些话题。紧接着在下一段中介绍了自己在研究和教学方面的经历,又在第四段结合了自己的实习(心理学的实习经历通常是作为学习的重要组成部分,因此也是academic background的一部分)。虽然这个部分的素材很多,包含了作者的动机,兴趣,能力,甚至还有计划和目标。但主线的逻辑还是对动机的剖析,并且素材都是围绕着学术背景,因此并不会显得散乱。

The third experience was a difficult one. It involved a friend who was a substance abuser. While using these psychoactive substances he displayed cognitive and behavioral problems. The time duration of this abuse and termination of use of these drugs was an educational period for me. I observed in him the behavior, affect, and cognitive aspects I had learned in my academic courses. I have an interest in how drug abuse is psychologically and sociologically oriented and how preventative measures can be implemented.


At this time my special interests include schizophrenia, substance abuse, and social psychological factors in interpersonal interaction, especially that of male-female relations involving the attitudes held by both men and women and society’s perpetuation of status quo relationship structures. I am determined to explore these research areas and hope to expand upon the knowledge base of precipitating factors and the treatment strategies after diagnosis.


Long-range objectives in pursuing advanced study of psychology include the various areas of research application. These include teaching as a professor in a university setting, research, consultation, and private practice. I intend to use my knowledge and expertise obtained at the University of XXX to further the research areas of schizophrenia, substance abuse, and interpersonal interactions involving social psychological aspects with research and practice. The University of xxx has a strong emphasis in research and this would be beneficial to my research interest in that I would be given ample opportunity to explore and expand upon my areas of study within the clinical program.

I aspire to be one of the multitude of researchers who participate in the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, schizophrenia, and adaptation difficulties involving daily relations between individuals.






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