
2024-03-15 21:43:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin



1. well, first, I have a solid background in management. I managed several project teams at my last company.


2. Sure, now I am skilled at communicating with people and organizing resources


3. oh, yes. I would be happy to. First of all, I am very down-to-earth and approachable. My previous teammates would say I am very easy to have a conversation with about any aspect of the team project. I think big picture and I can always find the most rational way to achieve the team’s goals. I also put a lot of effort into my own growth. I am very skilled at data analyze, so I always put efforts into looking at other products and analyzing them. I particularly focus on competitor’s products. I think it is a good reference. (我是个脚踏实地的人,并且十分的平易近人,我之前的同事都说很容易和我沟通任何方面的工作,我是一个目光长远的人,我总能找到出最合理的方案去实现团队的目标,我同样在我的个人成长方面倾注了很多心血,我非常擅长于数据分析,于是,我很努力的分析竞争对手公司的产品,我认为这对于我们来说是一个很好的参考)

4. I think big picture. I always consider our projects as a whole, so we can keep up to the schedule and finish on time.


5. well, as for as weaknesses go, I am basically a perfectionist. I sometimes have a hard time leaving the office if my job is not done. I will stay many hours doing ovetime. It is a weakness because I am slower at work. And I will put more time into a project. Yeah, I am extremely detail-oriented. I will dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s.(缺点)

6. to be frank, I do have weaknesses. I don’t want to avoid the question. Sometimes I have a hard time refusing others’s requests. So that sometimes impacts my workload.


7. well, I will try to not be influenced by others and keep up the pace. In my next role, I plan to be more focused on the scope of my job


8. I am particularly interested in the job, because I think I can reach my full potential. Your professional development programs are amazing


9. First, I identified the major problems that we have to tackle. Since our coworker was sick, I wasn’t sure we would have the personnel resources required to meet the deadline. So I assigned some of her tasks to other coworkers on the team and then I myself worked sixty hours that week to make sure we were able to be finished in time.

10. Sure, the lesson learned from this experience is that you really should be prepared for the worst and maybe even set deadlines early. In order to make sure you can reach them. Also we identified some pain points in our process. For example, there was some knowledge that only the sick coworker and I shared. So when she was out, there was no one to do that work but me. After that, knowledge sharing became a key part of the process in all projects.

11. Yes, I identified the problem. It was caused by our package redesign

12. Hopefully, if I am given the position, I will be able to build solid relationships with my coworkers, and eventually I look to grow into a leadship role, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t take the job at hand seriously. I am also excited with the prospect of working with a global team. I am think in the long term, I can help this company reach new milestones. And in the short term, I want to be an expert in the filed

13. Actually, one question comes to my mind. I wondering if you have any concerns about me. I would love the opportunity to clarify


14. Sure. I have been working as Quality Assurance Engineer for 8 months, and my expertise is really in data analysis.

15. I have two National Inspirational Scholarship under my belt.


16. Of course. I am confident about the prospect of your product.


17. I look to grow into a team leader


18. In the short term, I will build good relationships with my colleagues. I will finish all the jobs at hand on time and train myself to be a good refrigeration engineer.


1. I was wondering is the salary negotiable, it is not that competitive compared to other companies with similar position


2. I was hoping to up the base salary to 12000yuan, which would be competitive on the market


3. well, the base salary is in the standard range for employees at your level in your department, the monthly bonus may be negotiable, but we would need a reason to justify the increase.

4. I believe I have demonstrated my skills and expertise that will bring value to your company.


5. How much is the yearly bonus


6. On average, it is about three-month salary, but it can go up or down based on your performance evaluation, however, given that 70% of our employees received that amount in the past two years, you can consider it a reliable estimate.

7. Well if a 25% increase isn‘t possible, then you at least do 20%


8. If I am asked to go on a business trip, will I be given any kind of travel allowance


9. How many sick days and vacation days do I get each year


10. Given that the bonus isn’t fixed, I still hope to up my base salary by about 10%


11. I saw you offer a phone allowance. Are there any others I should know about

12. If I work pass 10pm ,will my taxi fare coved by the company


13. Do you often work that late, I would be more comfortable if you had a standard work schedule


14. Don’t worry, it only happens every once in a while, but not often.

