让我告诉你关于学校的规章制度英语 我的校规英语作文

2023-12-06 00:26:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的让我告诉你关于学校的规章制度英语 我的校规英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!


关于”我的校规“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My school rules。

高分英语作文1:My school rules

In the claoom, you should listen to the teacher. You are not allowed to bring food into the claoom. You should keep the claoom quiet and clean.

After school, you should finish your homework on time. In school, you should wear uniform. You must protect the plants and trees in the school.

You should get along well with the teachers and students.




Although some people think that students should stay in their claooms during recess, what I want to say is that we should be allowed to rest in another class. The most important reason is that many students have friends in other cl. We spend the whole day in our claoom, and the rest time is the only one.

We have to spend time with other friends. It's boring to spend more time with the same people. Another reason for allowing students to choose where to rest is to avoid arguments.

If a student is forced to spend time with a bad classmate, it will annoy everyone else. This leads to some problems that must be solved by teachers. Teachers think we should all stay in our own claooms, because it's easier to know what's going on.

They say it's hard to track students as they walk up and down the corridor. But every student has a chance to choose a different break and spend the whole break in the claoom. That means there won't be any students in the corridor.

As I explained, while it would be easier to manage everyone in their own claoom, if they were allowed to choose where their time was spent, all students would have a hier rest time..







"Although some people think that students should stay in their own claoom during recess, what I want to say is that we should be allowed to spend the rest time in another claoom. The most important reason is that many students have friends in other cl. We spend the whole day in our own claoom, and the rest time is the only one.

The time we have to spend with other friends may become boring and have to spend more time with the same person. Another reason for allowing students to choose rest time is that if students are forced to spend time with classmates who are not good friends, they will annoy each other, which can lead to quarrels. Teachers think that we should all stay in our own class, because it is easier to know what hened.

They said it was difficult to track students as they walked up and down the corridor. However, each student has the opportunity to choose a different claoom to spend the entire recess time, which means that there will be no students in the corridor. As I explained, although it may be easier to manage everyone in their own claoom, their break time will be hier if all students are allowed to choose where their time is spent.




