担保合同 英文(涉外执业技能分享——英文合同担保条款的翻译)

2024-01-04 18:13:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的担保合同 英文(涉外执业技能分享——英文合同担保条款的翻译),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!

担保合同 英文

原创: 王翔宇 中银律师事务所 8月1日

担保条款是英文合同通用条款中的重要一种。广义的担保条款是英文合同中多种担保或保证条款的统称,包括质量保证、权利担保和履约担保,在实际的英文合同中并不一定出现在“Warranty “条款标题之下。它可能出现在“Warranty and Service Responsibilities”或者这样的“Representation , warranty and Covenant”标题之下,也可能以保证函( Letter of Guarantee)或者其他形式出现。

担保可以分为物的担保和人的担保两类,分属不同的法律范畴,物的担保属财产法的范畴,大陆法将关于物权担保的规定归入民法物权篇;而人的担保则属于债法的范畴,大陆法将其归入民法债权篇。在英美法中,关于人的担保规定在合同法内。英文合同中常见的担保,一般指品质担保(guaranty of quality)、权利担保(guaranty of right)和履约担保(guaranty of performance),这与我国现行《担保法》中规定的担保方式(抵押、质押、保证)有所不同。


例1:The Seller shall guarantee that the goods supplied by the Seller are made of the best materials,with first-class workmanship,brand new,unused and correspond in all respects with the quality,specifications and performance as stipulated in this Contract. The Seller shall also guarantee that the goods when correctly mounted and properly operated and maintained,shall gave satisfactory performance for a period of two(2) years,starting from the date on which the goods arrive at the port of destination.

解析:本例从分类上看属于担保条款中的品质担保(guaranty of quality)。“The Seller shall guarantee that”涉及到情态动词shall的用法,法律英语中,shall主要有四个意思,其一是 “可以”,其二是“应当”,其三是“有权”,其四则是不翻译出来,而在担保条款中,它更多的表示一种应当性。在法律英语中,“担保”以动词形式出现时,只能以guarantee或pledge来表示,warranty只能以名词形式出现,请切记。“are made of the best materials,with first-class workmanship,brand new,unused and correspond in all respects with the quality,specifications and performance as stipulated in this Contract”,这个表述在英文合同的担保条款是非常常见的,其中brand new 整体是一个形容词,意为“全新的,崭新的”大家可以记住这个表述,在草拟英文合同时可能会用到。本例句整体上可以作如下翻译,供大家参考:“卖方应当保证其所提供的货物是用最上等的材料和第一流的工艺制成,全新、未曾用过的,并且在各个方面都符合本合同规定的质量、规格和性能。卖方应当同时保证货物在正确安装、运行和维护的情况下,自货物到达目的港之日起两年内,其运转都能符合要求。”

例2:Party B guarantees that the Document supplied by Party B shall be of the latest technical documentation being used by Party B. Party B shall also supply to Party A during the validity term of the Contract,the technical information relevant to any development and improvement of the Contract Product.

Party B guarantees that the Documentation supplied by Party B shall be complete,correct,legible and dispatched within the stipulated period in this Contract.

If’ the documentation supplied by Party B is not conformity with the stipulations in the Annex to this Contract,Party B shall within the shortest possible time but not later than thirty(30)days after receipt of the Party A’s written notice,dispatch free of charge to the Party A the missing or the correct and legible Documentation.

解析:“the latest technical documentation being used by Party B”意为“乙方正在使用的最新技术资料”。“Party B guarantees that the Documentation supplied by Party B shall be complete,correct,legible and dispatched”,这里要注意,dispatched与complete、correct、legible是并列关系,也就是“documentation”shall be “dispatched”,dispatch自身的意思很多,在法律英语中它经常表示“交付、发送”之意。“shall within the shortest possible time but not later than”也是法律英语中常见的表达,它的意思是“应当在最短可能的时间内,但不得迟于……”“dispatch free of charge to the Party A the missing or the correct and legible Documentation”,这里值得注意的是missing、correct和legible都是形容词,修饰的都是documentation。本例中的整句话可以翻译为“乙方保证其所提供的技术资料是乙方正在使用的最新技术资料,并保证在合同有效期内向甲方提供任何与合同产品的改进和发展相关的技术资料。



例3: Party B guarantees that Party B is the legitimate owner of all the exclusive know-how and technical information supplied to Party A according to the stipulations of  the Contract,and that Party B is Lawfully in a position to transfer the know-how to Party A. If accusation of infringing the rights of third parties occurs,Party B shall be responsible for dealing with the third parties and bear the full legal and financial responsibilities arising therefrom.

解析:与前两个例子不同,本例是一个典型的权利担保(guaranty of right),“Party B guarantees that Party B is the legitimate owner of all the exclusive、know-how and technical information”中,know-how是一个不可数名词,意为“专有技术”“exclusive know-how”可以翻译为“独有技术”; “Party B is Lawfully in a position”,这个表述可以记下,它在担保条款中常用,意为“有权…或具有…的法律地位”。“accusation of infringing the rights”意为“就侵权的指控”。本例句可以完整地翻译为:“ 乙方保证其是依据本合同而向甲方提供的所有独有技术和技术资料的合法所有权人,并具有将该等专有技术向甲方转让的法律地位。如果发生第三方就侵权的指控,则应由乙方负责应对该第三方并承担由上述被指控的侵权行为引发的法律上和经济上的全部责任。”







