方明亮 - 复旦大学 - 环境科学与工程系

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方明亮 - 复旦大学 - 环境科学与工程系


教育简历2011年8月 - 2015年5月, 杜克大学(Duke University),环境化学与毒理学,博士2009年2月 - 2011年2月, 浦项工业大学(POSTECH),环境分析化学,硕士2002年9月 - 2006年7月, 西安交通大学,环境工程系,学士工作简历2022年3月 - 至今,复旦大学,环境科学与工程系,教授2016年12月 - 2022年3月,新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),土木环境工程系,助理教授(终身轨)2015年5月 - 2016年12月,美国The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI, La Jolla),代谢组学中心,博士后2006年7月 - 2009年2月,中国海洋石油天津分公司,EHS工程师荣誉与奖励2020年,海外高层次人才引进计划(青年项目)2017年,Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology 年度10佳论文2011年,Outstanding publication award, Brain of Korea (BK21)


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Mengjing Wang, Qianqian Li, Meifang Hou, Louisa LY Chan, Meng Liu, Soo Kai Terd, Ting Dong, Yun Xia*, Sanjay H Chotirmalld, Mingliang Fang*. Inactivation of common airborne antigens by perfluoroalkyl chemicals modulates early-life allergic asthma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021Beyer, B. A.#, Fang, M.# (Equal Contribution), Sadrian, B., Montenegro-Burke, J. R., Plaisted, W. C., Kok, B. P., ... & Lairson, L. L*. (2018). Metabolomics-based discovery of a metabolite that enhances oligodendrocyte maturation. Nature Chemical Biology, 14(1), 22Fang, L Hu, D Chen, Y Guo, J Liu, C Lan, J Gong, B Wang. “Exposome” in Human Health: Utopia or Wonderland? The Innovation, 100172, 2021Fanrong Zhao, Li Li, Yue Chen, Yichao Huang, Tharushi Prabha Keerthisinghe, Agnes Chow, Ting Dong, Shenglan Jia, Shipei Xing, Benedikt Warth, Tao Huan and Mingliang Fang*. Risk-based Chemical Ranking and Generating a Prioritized Human Exposome Database. Environmental Health Perspective. 2021.Liu, M., Jia, S., Dong, T., Zhao, F., Xu, T., Yang, Q., ... & Fang, M*. (2020). Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of MCF-7 Cells Exposed to 23 Chemicals at Human-Relevant Levels: Estimation of Individual Chemical Contribution to Effects. Environmental Health PerspectivesWebster, T. F., Ferguson, P. L., & Stapleton, H. M*. (2015). Characterizing the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARγ) ligand binding potential of several major flame retardants, their metabolites, and chemical mixtures in house dust. Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(2), 166K., Fang, M., Beglov, D., Kozakov, D., Vajda, S., Stapleton, H. M., ... & Schlezinger, J. J*. (2014). Ligand Binding and Activation of PPAR γ by Firemaster? 550: Effects on Adipogenesis and Osteogenesis in Vitro. Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(11), 1225-1232.K.#, Fang, M.# (Equal Contribution), Horman, B., Patisaul, H. B., Garantziotis, S., Birnbaum, L. S., & Stapleton, H. M. *(2014). Urinary tetrabromobenzoic acid (TBBA) as a biomarker of exposure to the flame retardant mixture Firemaster? 550. Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(9), 963Min; Jiang, Jie; Jie, Zheng; Huan, Tao; Gao, Bei ; Fei, Xunchang; Wang, Yulan; Fang, Mingliang*. RTP: One Effective Platform to Probe Reactive Compound Transformation Products and Its Applications for a Reactive Plasticizer BADGE. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021.Xu, Tengfei; Chen, Liyan; Lim, Yan Ting; Zhao, Haoduo; Chen, Hongjin; Chen, Mingwei; Huan, Tao; Huang, Yichao; Sobota, Radoslaw ; Fang, Mingliang*. (2021). Systems Biology-Guided Chemical Proteomics to Discover Protein Targets of Monoethylhexyl Phthalate in Regulating Cell Cycle. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55, 3, 1842–1851.Xu, T., Lim, Y. T., Chen, L., Zhao, H., Low, J. H., Xia, Y., ... & Fang, M*. (2020). A Novel Mechanism of Monoethylhexyl Phthalate in Lipid Accumulation via Inhibiting Fatty Acid Beta-Oxidation on Hepatic Cells. Environmental Science & Technology.Liu, M., Peng, B., Jia, S., Koh, D., Wang, Y., ... & Fang, M*. (2020). Impact of Mixture Effects between Emerging Organic Contaminants on Cytotoxicity: A Systems Biological Understanding of Synergism between Tris (1, 3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate and Triphenyl Phosphate. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(17), 10722-10734.& Fang, M*. (2020). Nutritional and Environmental Contaminant Exposure: A Tale of Two Co-Existing Factors for Disease Risks. Environmental Science & Technology.B Peng, G Su, M Fang*. Reactive Flame Retardants: Are They Safer Replacements? Environmental Science & Technology. 2021.Setyawati, M. I., Singh, D., Krishnan, S. P., Huang, X., Wang, M., Jia, S., Fang, M., ... & Poh, T. Y. (2020). Occupational Inhalation Exposures to Nanoparticles at Six Singapore Printing Centers. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(4), 2389-2400.Liu, M., Han, Y., Wanjaya, E. R., & Fang, M*. (2019). Competitive biotransformation among phenolic xenobiotic mixtures: Underestimated risks for toxicity assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(20), 12081-12090.T.#, Zhang, Y.#, Jia, S., Shang, H., Fang, W., Chen, D., & Fang, M*. (2019). Human indoor exposome of chemicals in dust and risk prioritization using EPA’s ToxCast database. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(12), 7045-7054.Xu, T., Huan, T., Chong, M., Liu, M., Fang, W., & Fang, M*. (2019). Chemical isotope labeling exposome (CIL-EXPOSOME): one high-throughput platform for human urinary global exposome characterization. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(9), 5445-5453.Keerthisinghe, T. P., Han, Y., Liu, M., Wanjaya, E. R., & Fang, M*. (2018). “Cocktail” of xenobiotics at human relevant levels reshapes the gut bacterial metabolome in a species-specific manner. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(19), 11402-11410.Webster, T. F., & Stapleton, H. M*. (2015). Effect-Directed Analysis of Human Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Nuclear Receptors (PPARγ1) Ligands in Indoor Dust. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(16), 10065-10073.Webster, T. F., & Stapleton, H. M*. (2015). Activation of Human Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Nuclear Receptors (PPARγ1) by Semi-Volatile Compounds (SVOCs) and Chemical Mixtures in Indoor Dust. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(16), 10057-10064.& Stapleton, H. M.* (2014). Evaluating the bioaccessibility of flame retardants in house dust using an in vitro Tenax bead-assisted sorptive physiologically based method. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(22), 13323-13330.Webster, T. F., Gooden, D., Cooper, E. M., McClean, M. D., Carignan, C., ... & Stapleton, H. M*. (2013). Investigating a novel flame retardant known as V6: measurements in baby products, house dust, and car dust. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(9), 4449-4454.Xing; Zhang, Keda; Yin, Zhihong; Fang, Mingliang; Pu, Weidan; Liu, Zhening; Li, Lei; Sinues, Pablo; Dallmann, Robert; Zhou, Zhen; Li, Xue. Online Real-Time Monitoring of Exhaled Breath Particles Reveals Unnoticed Transport of Non-Volatile Drugs from Blood to Breath. Analytical Chemistry, 2021.T Xu, H Zhao, M Wang, A Chow, M Fang*. Metabolomics and in-silico docking-directed discovery of small-molecule enzyme targets. Analytical Chemistry. 2021.Xing, S., Hu, Y., Yin, Z., Liu, M., Tang, X., Fang, M., & Huan, T.* (2020). Retrieving and Utilizing Hypothetical Neutral Losses from Tandem Mass Spectra for Spectral Similarity Analysis and Unknown Metabolite Annotation. Analytical Chemistry (Washington), 92(21), 14476-14483.Ivanisevic, J., Benton, H. P., Johnson, C. H., Patti, G. J., Hoang, L. T., ... & Siuzdak, G*. (2015). Thermal degradation of small molecules: a global metabolomic investigation. Analytical Chemistry (Washington), 87(21), 10935-10941.Spangler, S., Fang, M., Johnson, C. H., Forsberg, E. M., Granados, A., ... & Montenegro-Burke, J. R. (2017). Exposome-Scale Investigations Guided by Global Metabolomics, Pathway Analysis, and Cognitive Computing. Analytical Chemistry 89(21), 11505–11513.Braun, D., Aichinger, G., Sieri, S., Fang, M., Marko, D., & Warth, B*. (2019). A Generic Liquid Chromatography?Tandem Mass Spectrometry Exposome Method for the Determination of Xenoestrogens in Biological Matrices. Analytical Chemistry (Washington), 91(17), 11334–11342.Zhao, Liu, Min, Y Lv, M Fang*. Dose-response Metabolomics and Pathway Sensitivity to Map Molecular Cartography of Bisphenol A Exposure. Environment International. 2021.D Wang, H Zhao, XunchangFei, SA Synder, M Fang*, M Liu*. A comprehensive review on the analytical method, occurrence, transformation and toxicity of a reactive pollutant: BADGE. Environment International. 2021.Keerthisinghe, T. P., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Dong, W., & Fang, M*. (2019). Low-dose tetracycline exposure alters gut bacterial metabolism and host-immune response:“Personalized” effect?. Environment International, 131, 104989.P.#, Wang, F.#, Wang, M., Yang, Q., Li, J., Yang, J., ... & Fang, M*. (2020). Long-term exposure to TET increases body weight of juvenile zebrafish as indicated in host metabolism and gut microbiome. Environment International, 139, 105705.Getzinger, G. J., Cooper, E. M., Clark, B. W., Garner, L. V., Di Giulio, R. T., ... & Stapleton, H. M.* (2014). Effect‐directed analysis of Elizabeth River porewater: Developmental toxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33(12), 2767-2774.M.*, Guo, J., Chen, D., Li, A., Hinton, D. E., & Dong, W*. (2016). Halogenated carbazoles induce cardiotoxicity in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(10), 2523-2529.J., Han, Y., Mah, C. H., Wanjaya, E., Peng, B., Xu, T. F., ... & Fang, M. L*. (2020). Streamlined MRM method transfer between instruments assisted with HRMS matching and retention-time prediction. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1100, 88Magdiel Inggrid Setyawati, Min Liu, Tengfei Xu, Joachim Loo, Meilin Yan, Jicheng Gong, Sanjay H Chotirmall, Philip Demokritou, Kee Woei Ng, Mingliang Fang*. Association of Nanoparticle Exposure with Serum Metabolic Disorders of Healthy Adults in Printing Centres. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 128710, 2022B Peng, H Zhao, TP Keerthisinghe, Y Yu, D Chen, Y Huang*, M Fang*. Gut microbial metabolite p-cresol alters biotransformation of bisphenol A: Enzyme competition or gene induction? Journal of Hazardous Materials 426, 2022.Mengjing Wang, Shenglan Jia, Agnes Chow, Mingliang Fang*. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in indoor environment are still imposing carcinogenic risk Journal of Hazardous Materials. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2020.TP Keerthisinghe, Q Yang, A Chow, M Fang*. Feeding State Greatly Modulates the Effect of Xenobiotics on Gut Microbiome Metabolism:J.#, Dong, T.#, Keerthisinghe, T. P., Chen, H., Li, M., Chu, W., ... & Fang, M*. (2020). Long-term oxytetracycline exposure potentially alters brain thyroid hormone and serotonin homeostasis in zebrafish. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 123061.Forsberg, E. M., Rinehart, D., Johnson, C. H., Ivanisevic, J., Benton, H. P., Fang, M., ... & Thorgersen, M. P. (2017). Systems biology guided by XCMS Online metabolomics. Nature Methods, 14(5), 461Hartono Candra, Li Mei Pang, Juan Xiong, Yichen Ding, Hoa Thi Tran, Zhen Jie Low, Hong Ye, Min Liu, Jie Zheng, Mingliang Fang, Bin Cao, Zhao-Xun Liang*. Biosynthesis of Tasikamides via Pathway Coupling and Diazonium-Mediated Hydrazone Formation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2022.GL Ma, HT Tran, ZJ Low, H Candra, LM Pang, QW Cheang, M Fang and ZX Liang*. Pathway Retrofitting Yields Insights into the Biosynthesis of Anthraquinone-Fused Enediynes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2021.Xunchang Fei, Mingliang Fang. Climate change affects land-disposed waste. Nature Climate Change, 2021.Low, J. H., Li, P., Chew, E. G. Y., Zhou, B., Suzuki, K., Zhang, T., Fang, M. et.al (2019). Generation of human PSC-derived kidney organoids with patterned nephron segments and a de novo vascular network. Cell Stem Cell, 25(3), 373-387.


Environmental Pollution (Elsevier) 副主编,2021-至今Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (RSC) 编委,2020-至今ACS ES&T Water编委,2021-至今Environment International (Elsevier) 编委,2018-至今Environmental Research (Elsevier) 编委,2019-至今Chemosphere (Elsevier) 编委,2021-至今EXPOSOME (Oxford) 编委,2020-至今Environmental International (Elsevier)客座编辑,2021Journal of Hazardous Material (Elsevier)客座编辑,2020中国生物物理代谢组学协会委员,2019-至今SSMS(新加坡质谱协会)委员,2018-至今国际代谢组学协会Metabolomics Society Committee member,2022新加坡环保部特邀室内空气专家组成员, 2017-至今新加坡环保部特邀土地质量标准专家组成员,2019-至今

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