合同的正式文本是用外文写成 正式合同

2023-10-07 10:59:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的合同的正式文本是用外文写成 正式合同,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!





contract under seal

formal contract

formal instrument

sealed contract

written contract

"正式"英文翻译formal; official; regular

"合同"英文翻译agreement; contract

"不要式合同" 英文翻译:    informalcontract

"定式合同" 英文翻译:    adhesion contract

"非要式合同" 英文翻译:    informal contract

"格式合同" 英文翻译:    form contract; model contract; standard form of contract

"契据式合同" 英文翻译:    contract by deed

"要式合同" 英文翻译:    formal contract

"依式合同" 英文翻译:    deed

"追加式合同" 英文翻译:    open ended contract

"偏正式合成词" 英文翻译:    modified compound word

"标准格式合同" 英文翻译:    standard form contract

"书面要式合同" 英文翻译:    speciality contract

"成本偿还方式合同" 英文翻译:    cost reimbursement contract

"非正式雇佣合同" 英文翻译:    labour-only contract

"货港未定租船合同货物未定租船合同开式合同" 英文翻译:    open charter

"统包式和费用偿还式合同范本" 英文翻译:    model forms of turnkey and cost reimbursable contracts

"正式" 英文翻译:    formal; official; regular 正式列入记录 be officially placed on record; 达成正式协议 reach a formal agreement; 代表团的正式成员 a regular member of the delegation; 未经正式介绍 without a regular introduction; 大会于6月24日正式开幕。 the conference formally opened on june 24.; 正式比赛 regulation game; 正式成员 full scale members; full member; 正式承认 [法律] be duly admitted; due admittance; 正式催告 peremptory call; 正式答复(被告的) formal answer (of a defendant to a claim); 正式访问 official [formal] visit; 正式会谈 formal talks; 正式会[委]员 full member; 正式记录 official records; 正式警告 formal warning; 正式签署 official signature; 正式权限 formal authority; 正式声明 official statement; 正式授权 [法律] be duly anthorized; due authorization; 正式通知 rightful notice; formal notification; 正式委托 official commission; (经销协定的)正式文本 standard form of agency agreement; official text; 正式协议 formal agreement; 正式运转 production run; 正式照会 official communication

"正式认定拨给履行某合同用货物" 英文翻译:    goods duly appropriated to the contract

"合同" 英文翻译:    agreement; contract 购货合同 purchase contract; 互惠合同 reciprocal contract; 签订合同 sign a contract; 售货合同 sales contract; 撕毁合同 tear up a contract; 合同采购 contract purchasing; 合同承包 job contracting; 合同单位 contract unit; 合同法 contract law; 合同方式 form of treaty; 合同工资 contract wages; 合同惯例 contractual usage; contractual practice; 合同货币 contract currency; 合同货品 contract goods; 合同价格 contract price; 合同纠纷 contract dispute; 合同内容 treaty content; 合同期 contracted period; contract date; 合同期满 contract expires; on the expiration of the contract; expiration of the contract period; 合同期限 contract period; 合同日期 contract date; 合同生效 execution of contract; 合同条款 contract terms; contract clause; terms of contract; treaty articles; a given organization or area go for treatment); 合同义务 specific performance; 合同有效期间 duration of contract; 合同责任 contracted responsibility; 合同制 contract system; 合同终止 termination of contract; 合同转让 assignment of a contract

"巴式合金" 英文翻译:    wm white metal

"垂直式合并" 英文翻译:    vertical merger

"股权式合营" 英文翻译:    equity joint venture

"股权式合资" 英文翻译:    equity joint venture

"管式合绳机" 英文翻译:    tubular type closer


The seller will open the non - operative pb within 5 banking days after receiving the formal contract


Ac milan are on the verge of sealing a pre - contract agreement with juventus defender jonathan zebina


Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed , this bid together with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding subcontract between us


Liverpool have yet to make formal contact with chelsea chief executive peter kenyon over a possible transfer , but it is thought that the 27 - year - old is one of a number of left - backs being closely monitored by the club


A catch - all term for formal contracts and transactions used in financial management , whether expressed in xml or other formats , are mechanically standardized as much as possible , but ultimately local control and interpretation of the documents is the most important consideration

(金融管理中用于表示正式合同和交易的统称) ,无论用xml还是其他格式表示,都尽可能机械地标准化,但最终这些文档的本地控制和解释是最重要的问题。

Therefore , the dissertation , on the one hand , makes a detailed analysis on the business morality that is considered as one of the most important informal contracts of modern society , on the other hand , focuses on studying how to design optimal labor contracts for china ' s public sector with principle - agent framework

然而,非正式合约和正式合同的作用既能相互替代,也能相互补充。正是基于此,本文一方面从劳动分工的角度采用实证方法研究了现代市场经济中最典型的非正式合约? ?商业道德,另一方面则从契约理论角度研究了现阶段我国公共部门的劳动契约设计问题。

Basically , the optimal transaction rules or institutions that could be designed or arranged are confined to legally enforceable formal contracts , and never involve those informal contracts , e . g . morality , culture and social customs . however , formal contracts and informal contracts are substitutive and complementary in solving asymmetric information problems



