高中英语面试稿 高中英语教资面试,试讲,逐字稿,阅读教学试讲

2023-06-17 09:40:00 来源 : haohaofanwen.com 投稿人 : admin

下面是好好范文网小编收集整理的高中英语面试稿 高中英语教资面试,试讲,逐字稿,阅读教学试讲,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!







-Good afternoon guys, sit down please. How are you doing today?

-You are fine? So happy to hear that. I’m fine too!

-Before our class begins, I have one question for you, what do you think of machines?

-They’re useful! They’re big! And they’re expensive! Ok, so many ideas! Speaking of machines, here is a passage related to this topic. Look at the blackboard, here is another key word of the passage. Right, books! So, could you guess what will be mentioned in this passage?

-Yes, please. Printers! what else? Bookstores! Great! So many predictions! To find out if you are right, why not read the passage by yourself?

- Now, please go through the text as quickly as possible, and try to find out the main idea. Here are some tips, don’t read the passage word by word because the most important thing in this stage is the whole understanding. You may pay more attention to the 1st sentence because usually it’s the topic sentence. Remember, when meeting some new words and expressions, you don’t have to look them up, but you can guess their meaning according to the context. Got it? Here you go!

-Ok, finished, so what’s the passage about? Say it together! Claire’s machine! What exactly about the machine? Yes, please. It’s about what the machine can do for her. Excellent answer! So, are your predictions right? Yes? No? Ok, we don’t know yet, but we’ll get there!

-Next, I would like to go into some more details. Please go through the passage a second time as fast as possible and find out the answers of the following questions: What did Tony promise to Claire? How did Claire look at Tony’s fingers? Here is a tip: to work efficiently, you may circle any key words related to the questions or any possible answers! Clear? Here you go!

-Ok, finished. How about the 1st question? What did Tony promise to Claire? Yes, please. He promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant! Do you agree? Yes! Great! The next one, how did Claire look at Tony’s fingers? How about the lady? Yes, she looked at his fingers with wonder! Nice job, you’re right! And could you tell us what the meaning of the expression “with wonder” is? No? Don’t worry, any help from the others? No?

-Alright! That’s why we have to read the text a third time! This time, we’ll figure out the meaning of “with wonder” according to the context! And we’ll think about this question as well: what do you think Tony is? To answer the questions, you can discuss in groups. Understand? Ok, Let’s get started!

-Ok, it’s done, right? So, the meaning of “with wonder”? Yes! Group 1! It means “amazed”! How did you guys find it? You said you can guess its meaning from the next sentence! How about their answer? Yes, everybody agrees! Bravo! Then could you make a sentence with “with wonder”, please? Yes, go ahead! I look at the airplane with wonder! Good job! Next, what is Tony? Any ideas? Yes, Group 2! You think Tony is a scanner because he can scan books! Good idea! Any different ideas? Yes, Group 3! You think Tony is a robot because he can also make a promise! Great! Which group do you agree with? Yes, Group 3! And I think so too! Well done!

-Now we have learned a lot from this passage. To check if you really got it, could you retell this passage? The key words on the blackboard may help you. You’ll have 5 mins to prepare. Understand? Let’s go.

-All right, who wants to try? Ok, I’ll give the gentleman a chance. Please go ahead. Oh, you don’t have to use the expressions from the text itself, you can use your own words. Ok, finished. How about his performance, Guys? Excellent, right? Big hands for him.

-Finally, to explore further the subject, have you ever thought about this question? Can robots replace human some day? Why? Please have a discussion in groups. Remember, any ideas are welcome because there are no correct answers for the question, only possible answers. Now think about it.

-Ok. How about Group 1? You think so because human has limits but robots don’t! Good! What else? Yes, Group 4! You don’t think so because robots are created by human. Therefore, they can’t be smarter than human. Well, ladies and gentlemen, for this question, I think only time can give us the answer. And I also think science is so important that it can change life!

-But, it’s a shame that time flies so quickly, it’s almost the end of our class. What have we learned today?

-A passage about a machine, a robot! Good! What else? Some new expressions such as “with wonder”. Good! What else? Yes! The importance of science! In the future, I hope you guys will enjoy science and be open-minded!

- Here are the assignments. The 1st one, must to be done, is to write a passage no less than 500 words about what you think of robots. The 2nd one, optional, is to find something more about advanced robots on the Internet, so that you can share with us next time or with your English partners at our English corner.

-See you next time. Bye.

